Over the past month I’ve been discussing, on “Ask Lynne”, the nine dimensions which are directly associated with the art of manifestation in our three dimensional world. I have been filled with excitement and passion as Spirit channels the information through me [a process that has been going on for over a year now] which has been synthesized into small lectures. As the realization of each dimension unfolds, in bits and pieces until an entire picture is woven, I’ve found my consciousness expanding at quantum leap levels which, by the way, is part of the process from Quantum Physics. So what does this have to do with the topic of this article?
Well, as I’ve become so acutely aware of the nine dimensional levels I have also expanded my consciousness into the realization that the inspiration we receive from these dimensions along with the perspiration we put behind what we’re inspired to do is a pathway formula of the manifestation process. It all came home for me as I was watching Cirque Du Soleil’s Michael Jackson, “The Immortal World Tour”. As I was watching and listening to Michael’s music I became very acutely aware of how much Michael, in his genius, was inspired and tapped into the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7the and 8th dimensions of consciousness. He had allowed himself to ‘escape’ to those levels during a time in his life when home was not a happy or safe environment for him to be in. Although it was hell on Earth, he found solace in the Heavens of the higher dimensional realms. By visiting and then living in those realms, the fantastic music that existed there presented itself for him to become inspired by it, motivated from it and then compelled into action for it to enter into this 3rd dimensional world.
So, let me share a little bit about what each of these dimensional levels means and how you too can be inspired into compellingly move toward your purposeful mission. For purposes of this article, I will start with the 4th dimension as we all know the 3rd dimension is our physical world. The 4th dimension is where emotions and thoughts reside. Every emotion and thought shared, felt and expressed in this 3rd dimension comes from the collective consciousness of the 4th dimension. Although it is not a physical realm it can only be experienced on the physical level. The 5th dimension is light which resonates in your physical heart. It allows connection with other creatures and vegetation on this planet. The 5th dimension is where photons (the latest measurement of matter that physicists have discovered in Quantum Physics) exists. The marvelous thing about these photons is that they work in pairs, like twins. They communicate to each other regardless of how many dimensions, vibrations, frequencies and hertz away from each other they may be. Basically when one speaks the other speaks too in harmonic resonance; therefore when you are listening and following your heart you are connecting with the higher dimensions. The 6th dimension is where sacred geometry comes from. It is where the shape of things is replicated in this physical world such as plants, animals, humans and all manner of material things. To manifest in this world connect with the geometric energy components on the 6th dimension and then replicate it here. Consider this a similar process like tracing over what’s already there or replicating what you already see, hear, know, and feel. This is where perspiration starts to come into play – it’s the action move of the manifestation process. The 7th dimension is the dimension of sound where the vibrational resonance of sound creates, in the 6th dimension, shapes and energy form to be replicated here in the 3rd dimension. And then the 8th dimension is light. It’s pure, blinding light which comes from Divine Mind. It is the light which is visible to the 3rd dimension through the light color spectrum ranging from red to violet; making it possible for us to see and experience its brilliance. In total, these realms work together making up part of Divine Source. There is no real separation one from another, only different functions in their purpose – very much like your physical body. The arms are different from the brain which is different from the stomach but they all work together.
Now, as you open your heart and expand your consciousness allow the full essence of each realm to permeate itself through you. As you do you will begin to experience the inspiration of your true, real Divine Purpose. The reason for this is because you can only tap into what already exists in your heart; it is your personal passion. Remember the photons? They speak to each other; the ones that exist within you are already in direct communication with their twin, reverberating exactly what you’re to do if you allow yourself to receive it. This is why clearing energy, integrating emotional experiences [from the past] and transforming limiting belief systems, which blocks you from receiving this direct communication, is very important. It is the inspiration, received from the ‘heavens’, that you will want to bask in as a means to bring forth your own genius. And then perspiration (action from compulsion) is given to bringing that genius into this 3rd dimensional world. You owe yourself and the world to bring through you the genius which is yours and only yours to share with the world. Don’t hesitate! Get started! It’s 50 Percent Inspiration – 50 Percent Perspiration. So, begin your process of meditation, self-empowerment, integration and healing or whatever you know to do at this very moment. The world is waiting for you!!
Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles http://ask-lynne.org/lynnesmiracles/