A healed heart is a loving heart! So what does that mean? Well it means that when you don’t have any grudges, when you allow forgiveness to reign triumphant, when you are more compassionate than judgmental, when you unconditionally accept people and circumstances the way they are you have a healed heart allowing unconditional love to flow through you. It takes tremendous strength, personal power, and courage to move through your stuff. You know your stuff….like fear, judgment, criticism, anger and whatever else. As long as you hold onto those emotions and mental acumen, you place restrictive retaining walls around your heart and consequently promote love from a conditional place.
It’s not always easy to just let go of [some] circumstances that bring to light the pain and hurt which lies deep within your heart. Circumstances like this story I just heard earlier today. A 14 year old boy, the nephew of a close friend of mine, hung himself last night. The reason for the suicide was because he told his maternal grandmother, whom he lived with, that he did not want to go to his cousin’s house for the summer – something he had done every year for the past 4 years. He explained to his grandmother that each time he went to stay with his cousin he was molested repeatedly while there. His grandmother told him; “Too bad! You’re going anyway!” Obviously, the boy thought killing himself was a far better alternative to the pain inflicted upon him year after year.
Now when I heard this story my heart began to hurt, tears welled up in my eyes and I just wanted to scream!!! I never had an opportunity to meet this young man but I couldn’t believe the level of unconsciousness, insensitivity, cruelness, and unaware blindness the grandmother and the other adults around him had, not only in reference to what he expressed but to what was probably a sad and depressed demeanor for years. The grandmother assumed the boy was lying without checking into it further, her belief that he should just “suck it up” and get over it – it won’t kill him, was obviously the wrong message.
But what does this have to do with a healed heart? It’s about how the news of this situation affected me and how it may be affecting you as well, in reading about it. I don’t know about you but my heart immediately started hurting. My reaction of sadness, anger, judgment and appalled whiplash (you know when the head jerks back and forth with the; “WHAT! I can’t believe the *&%#…..grandmother said and did &%#@ that!!” It triggered all of my stuff to the surface. Stuff I had been clearing for years where neutrality was able to prevail in its place, at least so I thought. But there was a deeper layer of stuff that was ready and needing to be released. So, what I’ve discovered today is that there was still work to do in healing my heart.
I must say that as I have been processing through these emotions and thoughts, truly clearing the energy, memories, and belief systems associated with them away, my heart no longer hurts. I can now acknowledge forgiveness of myself for all of the things I thought about the grandma. I’ve been able to find center again where my heart is no longer hurting but singing with joy once again. I can neutrally check in on the young man to ensure he is not “lost” (in the wrong realm) on the other side. In healing my heart unconditional love prevails so that the energy work I provide allows the young man to begin the healing process he seeks; grandma to find peace from guilt and sever grief and for the family to find forgiveness in their heart for grandma and the young man’s act.
Ultimately, the message is, no matter how horrific you may believe something or someone to be, when you come from a healed heart you can Love Divinely as God Loves. We are not able to live, know and fully understand what another person is thinking, feeling or has experienced within themselves. We can only experience what is going on in our own hearts and what triggers the pain still held there. So I encourage you to examine and begin the healing process, if this story has “lit you up” or if something else does; because when you heal your heart you will love more completely, more divinely and isn’t that what you really want?
Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles http://ask-lynne.org/lynnesmiracles/