Whether we realize and recognize them as such is all perspective. Personally I have received many miracles and the most recent one is undeniable by anyone I have shared this story with. Throughout the chronicling of this story I will be sharing other miracles that have happened along the way as well.
When I was 10 years old I contracted the Hepatitis C virus. It happened when I sat on a park bench covered in blood from a man who had lied there moments before I skipped my way over to sit down. Months later I became very ill and was admitted to the hospital. No one could find the cause of my illness. It was in the early 1980’s and Hepatitis C was barely known, even though many people were carrying the virus unbeknownst to them. Growing up I had different tell-tale signs of physical illness pointing to the virus. Nevertheless, even after it was better known I was not tested for it. In my early twenties an energetic healer told me I was having issues with my liver and suggested I take better care of myself. I listened to what he said. He completely woke me up to what I needed to do. I immediately made life style changes, although I was still unaware of any other problems causing my illness. I believed the life style changes alone would fix the issue.
On New Year’s Eve 1997 I sat outside my place of work with a coworker. We began chatting about energy healing and spirituality. She told me her story about contracting Hepatitis C and becoming extremely ill. She shared that after the initial shock wore off she instantly changed her diet, became more in touch with her spirituality, and received a variety of energy healings. Within a year’s time she was healthier and more stable. What she shared had a strong impact on me because months earlier I had a brush with death from an ectopic pregnancy causing me to bleed internally for a while. I thanked my coworker for sharing her story. I knew then I was going to be okay but I didn’t know how much it was actually going to help me.
When I arrived home a letter from the Red Cross was amongst my mail. The letter informed me the blood I had donated during Christmas time tested positive for Hepatitis C. As I read the letter my jaw dropped open and I was dumb founded by the chain of events which led me to that moment. I was overwhelmed and, basically, in shock. The news of another issue with my health and a death threat of sorts became a heavy burden on me; I felt as if I would never have a “normal” life. I instantly felt toxic and dangerous to others. As time went on I didn’t carry it as a heavy load, but quietly I always felt troubled by having the virus in my system. It was just another thing holding me captive to the belief I was damaged goods.
Thankfully the wiser part of me, sparked by my belief in angels, knew I would be absolutely fine. From that moment on I consciously made healthier and better choices in my life. I focused on taking care of myself and healing all my wounds, on every level. As the years went by doctors consistently reported how good and healthy my liver was. I can’t even count how many times I was told, ‘whatever you are doing, keep doing it!’ Even though I looked okay and the routine blood tests were fine, I started experiencing more and more strange physical symptoms occurring randomly in my body. Some of the symptoms included: the back of my head itching badly; random red spots appearing with the onset of extreme fatigue; pains in my chest and tiredness that was never ending.
In 2008 I entered a drug study for the Peg Interferon Riboviron treatment which made me completely miserable. I was supposed to be on the treatment for eleven months however I decided to stop after one and a half months. I knew I could not emotionally and mentally survive what my physical body was going through on my own, without help. After that short stint of being on the medication I noticed my immune system became weaker. I suffered with deep depression. I had more intense migraine headaches. The fatigue grew worse. I started having gastrointestinal problems. My body hurt to the point it was a chore getting out of bed every day. And then…the neuropathy started happening (neuropathy is a disease of the nervous system). The neuropathy was painful, but there were comical moments when I yelped out loud in social situations or in the middle of a store, all in response to my nerves short circuiting.
It’s important to find humor and be in amusement when traveling through life. No matter what, it’s important to keep the joy alive to stay alive!
With the help of my primary doctor I started seeing a liver specialist a year ago. The purpose was to begin a new treatment that was awaiting approval to be released from the FDA. The studies were showing 94% to 100% cure rates and I was excited about the possibilities of being cured from the Hepatitis C virus. My primary goal became receiving that treatment. However, having the treatment approved by the insurance company, at the huge price tag of $90,000 for 12 weeks of treatment, was the issue that would make it or break it for all of us who had Hepatitis C. I worked very diligently with my liver specialist by taking several types of tests, while simultaneously seeing many other specialists to assist with the additional symptoms I was experiencing. My liver continued to pass the tests with flying colors, making me a good candidate to proceed with the medication, but it was the rest of me that was falling apart.
It goes to show how focusing energy and intention works. Since discovering I had Hepatitis C I focused for years on keeping my liver healthy and it worked brilliantly! Had I been aware of the effect it has on the entire body, I would have focused healing the virus with a more expanded view.
There was nothing to do about it now except to keep my eyes on the goal of becoming completely healed. Acquiring treatment, staying in gratitude for my very healthy liver, and remaining present, were all I strived for. Life became increasingly challenging due to not feeling well most of the time. So I started looking at other options such as, going to another country for treatment at a lower cost or joining another study with a drug company; but none of those doors were open to me. At this point I just had to continue having faith, patience and prayer.
It was a beautiful day in May when I woke up at my wits end. I felt terrible and I had been feeling that way for many days straight. The headaches wore me out. I woke up thinking about writing an email to my liver specialist asking him if he had any suggestions to help me feel better, but my logical mind told me there was nothing he could do nor give me to feel better and I should not bother him. The conversation between my intuition and logical mind went back and forth all day long until my angels started yelling at me to write the doctor.
I finally stopped listening to the nay saying voice within and wrote him an email. Around 5:30 that afternoon I received a call from the doctor saying he received my email. He said he was going to call me anyway and my email was fortuitous. He went on to say, one of the drug companies with a cure had offered him a free prescription for one of his patients. He said that I fit the profile completely and asked if I would like to take him and the drug company up on the offer. I could barely contain myself when he asked me. YES!!!!
When I got off the phone I was ecstatic and had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I had an appointment with the doctor two days later, where I signed the paperwork to gain approval for the treatment to begin. On my way home from the doctor’s office I was as ecstatic as anyone could be. I thought about, “what a blessing and miracle it is that he chose me out of all his patients to receive this treatment – FREE!” I was thanking my angels and guides for pushing me to contact the doctor that day; a day when I was at my wits end not knowing how much more I could take. I was crying tears of joy and grateful for everything that had occurred. This blessed miracle would change my entire life! All at once I was able to see and hear my ancestors telling me they had been working hard to bring me this blessing. I could feel my heart expanding to receive the love being doused upon me. It was filling me up. By now, my face was drenched with tears and a bright smile covered my entire being.
I have been on this treatment for exactly six weeks with six more weeks to go. On the fourth week of treatment I had my first blood test. It indicated the Hepatitis C virus is Undetectable! I am truly blessed by this miracle and the new chance at life it is giving me. I am experiencing an actual rebirth!
Miracles are real – they do happen! It may happen in ways you do not expect. It may happen just when you think you cannot take another step. But being open to receive the gifts waiting to be bestowed upon you is how prayers are answered and dreams come true!
Story shared by Angela Zeyn
Center Of Light Miracles, founder Lynne Herod-DeVerges