Awakening SunriseIt’s Spring Time! And…Easter just passed. They both represent new beginnings, renewal, a dawning of light and more. During spring time flowers are blooming, trees are bursting forth with fruit, and the animals come to life. But spring is also the time of year which celebrates a ‘Divine Son of God’ who rose from the dead becoming the world’s savior. On a whole, spring is indicative of awakening on every level; the animal kingdom, nature, personally and societally. On an individual level those attributes described as spring can be correlated to the phrase “Awakening to a Higher Consciousness.” Personally one can rise above, become renewed and choose living beyond the way one lives currently.

So, what does the phrase “Awakening to a Higher Consciousness” mean more specifically? Well, I could break this statement down by examining each word individually, deciphering it’s true meaning and what lies behind it, or I could simply provide an overall interpretation of what it actually means. Upon first hearing the phrase it seems to describe a person’s awareness of a new thought, idea, understanding or way of taking action which elevates one’s character or behavior. It could be defined as the ‘Ah-ha’ moment. Yet, although this is a broad perspective, it’s origin represents something much deeper.

Moving into a higher consciousness is elevating beyond what your beliefs are. For example; shifting from the belief of an undesired experience as bad to being grateful for that same experience, is rising to a higher consciousness. It’s simply a matter of shifting perspectives. You have the choice to see any one situation from hundreds of different perspectives.

The experience of being bullied may be seen from any one of these or more perspectives:
1.  A series of bad traumatic experiences ~ the experiences of being picked on or taken advantage of can feel horrible, to the extent of emotionally being traumatized. And, although it does not feel good, on any level, to perceive it as bad limits, even stifles your thoughts of other more desired possibilities coming from the experiences.
2.  An opportunity to learn how to forgive ~ forgiveness allows you to be free. It is not the other person who needs forgiveness but you who needs to release any ill feelings and therefore ill will toward the person(s) bullying you. Holding onto anger or hatred keeps you stuck in your own private mental hell…while the bulliers continue with their lives.
3.  An opportunity to discover survival tactics ~ when bullied enough times you learn different methods of survival. Each tactic of survival used teaches you something, allowing you to elevate your thinking and action taking higher and higher. No one method is right or wrong, only a series of discovering what helps you reach your goal and the type of person/character you are in the process of survival and beyond. [This perspective provides evident examples of ‘Cause and Effect’.]
4.  An excuse used to block personal success ~ being bullied is the perfect excuse for believing you can’t do, will never make, should never think, or attempt to try anything that creates success in your life. Not in relationships, career, health, life-style; no matter what it is. And, if you attempted to achieve success but failed along the way, being bullied is a good reason why it didn’t happen. Blaming situations and circumstances as well as blaming those who bullied you becomes the temporary soothing balm (so you think) that’s needed. But it only keeps you stuck in your own sense of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
5.  An opportunity to become courageous ~ being bullied can call out the lion in you, if you chose that perspective. What better way to find your nerve than to take action by doing something unexpected when you’re in the middle of being bullied. To stand up in the face of feeling intense fear is the very definition of courage. It takes strength to do that and that kind of thinking raises your consciousness.

The example of bullying is only one scenario in which consciousness is based on perspective. And…where perspective becomes a belief which is demonstrated through action, consciousness is formed.

This saying is one repeated regularly during an Episcopal service. (If you’re not familiar with Episcopalians, think Catholic with divorce, female priests and abortions permitted.) It refers to Jesus Christ who had risen after being crucified on the cross. But, it’s so much deeper than that.

For many Christians Jesus was the Son of God. However, for several others the man Jesus, with a tremendous elevated vibration, was able to channel an extremely powerful energy known as ‘The Christ’. It’s the reason he is so regarded, presently, as one of the greatest avatars/rabbi’s that ever existed. His teachings from over two thousand years ago are as relevant today as they were then. The only difference between now and then is that the consciousness of the world has risen to meet a greater portion of the consciousness he held. He emphasized Divine love, inner peace, and most importantly the reality of spirit as one’s true essence instead of the body. When Jesus’ physical body was missing in the tomb where it was resting after three days of death, it was proof of his teachings.

Jesus was the demonstration there is more to life than the primal guttural feelings keeping us stuck emotionally in fear. His level of awareness represented an elevated consciousness of yesterday and today. Regardless of how you think about or identify Jesus the Christ, he was the example of what awakening to a higher consciousness unto self, of spirit, and Divine Source is all about.

Following the actual teachings of Jesus is one way to awaken your consciousness. The irony of which, includes a variety of spiritual and scientific disciplines from the Middle-East to the Far East. The New Testament of the Bible is one source documenting his teachings. There are other written books and works which highlight his messages and how to obtain your own personal awakening, as well. In fact, pick up any spiritual texts from the Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Islamics, the Hindus, and New Age worshipers and you’ll discover many of the concepts Jesus spoke about. They include: forgiving yourself and others; being present at all times; everything is energy; do not judge yourself or others; hold Divine love, compassion and kindness in your heart for all people; you own nothing – you are only the steward of what you use therefore be willing to share with others; there is no duality; remember who you are as spirit; you are a Divine spiritual being capable of doing everything you believe when you remember who you are in Divine Source, and more.

Studying these concepts and using any number of disciplines to bring these concepts alive within you is how you will experience new belief systems, thoughts, feelings, and behavioral practices. In these ways your own personal awakening is realized and your consciousness raised – hence the “Awakening to a Higher Consciousness.”

However, even though the word ‘higher’ is used in the phrase, “Awakening to a Higher Consciousness”, it does not mean it is higher or better than the meaning of lower or worse, it only means a consciousness that serves you in the manner of your desires. Awakening to your next level of consciousness, in the way described, is like the promise of a beautiful sunrise glistening upon the Earth and welcoming a new day.

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles

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