Becoming Aware is a Childish MatterIn the Bible it says, and I paraphrase, ‘One must be like a child in order to enter the gates of Heaven.’ Being childlike is one of the highest compliments one can pay another; for to be as a child means one is open, playful, free, and flows effortlessly as the energy moves around them. This is why Becoming Aware is a Childish Matter! It takes childlike energy to be in a consciousness of authenticity of self. Just think about it. From infancy to the age of 7 children are empty vessels who have yet to learn “knowledge” but who know the different between real light and illusionary darkness. They are more emotional beings at those ages who, basically, understand how to roll with ‘energy in motion’. They experience pure feeling, pure vibration, and pure energy which is expressed by them and through them, at all times. It’s not until the child grows older, shifting into the realm of educational learning and then societal agreements to act, think and be like the group, that the real self becomes tucked away leaving the pretentious self in an obnoxious ego view for everyone to perceive.

Of course it makes sense to go from the emotional body directly into the mental body for them both to be expressed through the physical body. Each aspect must be developed and then integrated into a consciousness of maturity which is exactly like the child self with true vision, pure feeling and real energy. The problem, however, is that each body is stopped short of full mature development in order to make room for the next stage. This causes separation from one body to another, each acting independently of and sometimes in conflict with the other. So, as the pseudo adult self makes the decision to integrate the splintered fragments of each body, it is a journey of awareness that moves one into the place of childlike aspects.

The path of awareness begins, then, with the breath – the place where every person begins…..from the moment of birth into this 3 dimensional world until the moment of transition, exiting back into another realm of Divine Source. When focusing on the breath and allowing them to be deep connected breaths it takes the consciousness back to the moment of pure vibration and pure emotion where authenticity and real consciousness is expressed. That is the child’s way, the child’s experience and the childlike essence of real self. It is also the process of being aware.

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles