Money Tree AbundanceBeing in abundance means different things to different people.  Although most people consider abundance to be that of great financial gain and a continued out pouring of finances, there are other perspectives of what abundance is. Abundance is being balanced between what is thought, felt and created. Abundance is being happy and healthy. Abundance is having time to live life the way one desires. Abundance is having the awareness to know life is a joyful experience. Abundance is living life the way you love to live it with no lack or limitation. Abundance is being in gratitude and savoring what you have. Abundance is freedom (free to do what is desired). Abundance is pure energy; that just is. Abundance is feeling great and appreciating the feeling of what you have. Abundance is being satisfied in the now – no matter what!

As you ponder your own definition of abundance begin by asking some of these questions… How does the world seem abundant? How do you feel abundant in: 1) Health – Do you wake up with energy and joy ready to start the day? 2) Finances – Do you look at bank balances and feel as if you have an abundant choice of what you desire to do or have? 3) Love – Do you feel the abundance of love around you from yourself, family and friends?

There are many reasons and ways in which abundance is kept at abeyance. You may have encountered or are struggling with some of them presently:

o The Mind can hold abundance back like damned river water. The mind is a protection machine. It can keep you in a place of non-success. It’s not interested in success…it’s interested in what’s wrong to keep you surviving. The mind can trigger anxiousness, a form of fear, which most people have. And when you hear the voice in your head and think it is God telling you how to survive or thrive, it’s not. It’s just the mind attempting to keep you alive based on what it interprets is needed.

o Programming From Birth, to believe in lack more than abundance, takes over. You receive a lot of information on what to do, how to behave, how to think, what you should feel. You’ve gathered and collected information through experiences from ages 0 – 7 years. A few of the things you’ve learned are: fear, survival, worry, lack of control and lack of usefulness. They fill the subconscious waiting to surface when you’re busy with other conscious thoughts and tasks. When you’re thinking or doing you’re not paying attention to what lies underneath the surface. The subconscious becomes the default mind with all the information stored away that may not serve you. It kicks in when engaged with something else. This is the programming causing you to self-sabotage and direct action away from abundance. Its tendency is to fix the mind on what you don’t want instead of creating what you do. How much time do you spend on focusing your mind and attention on what you truly desire?

o Negative Thinking is a huge stop sign for abundance to appear in your life. It started when you began defining yourself, from past experiences, that you are not enough or should have done something differently. Of course, there’s no proof to the truth of your negative self-doubts and belief systems about yourself. But the mind is focused on how to fix problems not create new desired aspirations. Your thoughts lead to your feelings, which lead to your actions, which lead to your results. So, negative thinking leads to low vibration feelings, to poor actions which are steeped in undesired results of lack.

o Fear of Failure and Success is also are real self-saboteur against abundance. The truth is failing means nothing bad happens to you. The world forgives and forgets whatever your goal short comings were. Only you remember the failures. In reality, when unfamiliar territory comes up fear comes up. It’s natural, so don’t attempt to eliminate fear altogether because then your focus and intention will be more on fear and surviving rather than creating. Let go of your self-judgment and allow new things to happen.

o Emotional Environments are the internal measurements about how you feel in reference to every experience you have and all aspects in your life. Take control over what you dream and think. When you don’t abundance cannot flourish within to be reflected without. So allow yourself to feel the positive emotions of those dream thoughts.

o Inner Conflict with Self is another major deterrent to abundance. The adult-self says yes, this is what I desire; while the child-self says but that’s not how I know it to be…I am afraid, I have to do what’s safe, I have to do what’s familiar for it to be right. This conflict creates indecision and a split mind. Unless you are fully conscious that abundance exists all around you and you are the whole expression of abundance, it’s an uphill battle to experience it. Pay attention to what you are thinking, what you are feeling and resolve the conflict completely.

o Change Your Belief Systems that go against abundance

o Gain Awareness of how and what you’ve been programmed to believe

o Rewire the Brain since it has the capacity of being changed by establishing new neuron connectors. Through repetition of thought and action over a period of time, new patterns are created including new thought patterns.

o Create End Goals to have abundance. They bring about growth, learning, adventure, happiness, and peace. End Goals are experiences you choose to have, such as… raising your children to be happy, traveling the world, bringing love, peace, joy to everyone you meet.

o Avoid Creating Means Goals Only.  Tell the Universe Specifically What You Desire! Unclear nebulous goals such as, I want lots of money, is not specific enough. If money is an example…
 * What does it actually represent? (material things; freedom; better health; etc)
 * What exactly do you desire to do with the money in any or all of these areas or do you desire it for something else?
 * What do you intend to buy or have?
 * What type of time would you like to spend with your family and how?
Having a specific goal, in detail, is the same as ordering something on line. When you choose the right color, size, model number, etc. you can then hit send (let it go) and your order is not only placed but you can then be comfortable it will arrive at your door shortly.

o A Vision Without Action is Delusional. This is the same as having an idea but never putting action to it; never working the idea. Nothing comes of it. It’s important to take action by following the steps of what you desire, in the right order, and to do the right things, at the right time to experience predictable transformation.

o Abundance is About How You Feel! Begin feeling how you desire to feel when you reach your goal. This might be easier to do by asking yourself these questions:
 * What are the experiences I desire to experience in the world?
 * How do I want to grow?
 * What is the list of things I will give to the world?
Pay attention to how you feel as you ask these questions and answer them. Think outside the box on how you will leave your mark on the planet. And feel how great it is to do so.

o Clarity is Important because it leads you toward power and power directs you toward action or doing. The answers to these questions are very helpful…What do you desire? Why is it important to you? If you know what you desire, the next question to ask yourself is: “Why don’t I already have it?” Obviously, the answer is because you’re a creature of habit. If you keep thinking and doing what you’ve been doing you’ll get the same results. Take responsibility for yourself – notice what you’re thinking and doing and change it. Once you have clarity and it’s important enough to you, the “how” your goal is met will present itself.

o The Strategy to Become Clear is three-fold:
 * As you connect with your desire or passion; remember to keep it simple, keep it easy, keep it short.
 * What is the smallest action you can take now…in 2 minutes? Whatever it is implement it now.
 * Set your intention on being clear about your desire and focus on what it takes to get there.

o Create Positive Habits and Rituals to obtain what you desire. There are 3 ways to shift your life for great abundance:
 * reprogram your conscious mind
 * reprogram your subconscious mind
 * raise your vibration to peace, love and joy

o Whatever You Complain About Sets an Unconscious Intention for you to Manifest. Watch your tongue by speaking only positive words and phrases. If you can’t speak positively then say nothing at all. And, remember to watch your thoughts on this one too because it’s important to set an intention vibration on end desires.

o Follow Your Heart and Your Soul’s Purpose. Do what you love to do. Do what you’re prompted to do when you’re prompted to do it. What is it that makes you feel good? Shift your language and thoughts to knowing what your passion is. Speak about your purpose in a positive way – at a vibration that is; not hoping to be.

o Eliminate Conditions to live abundantly. Take away the condition of doing one thing before receiving or achieving your desires. For example: “When I go back to school and get my degree I’ll be able to start the business I’ve always wanted.” Getting a degree becomes the condition to start a business – it causes procrastination and a strong resistance to being in the present moment. Abundance can only happen in the now!

o Be Happy With Where You Are and What You Have Now! Appreciate and be thankful for what you have and what you are experiencing in this moment. Stay in gratitude about everything!

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles

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