Experiencing the Consciousness of HeavenYou have all that you need to experience the consciousness of heaven!  What greater joy could there be than to experience the magnitude of your divine spirit self? Imagine being in a state of happiness a hundred fold greater than your happiest moments.  It is in the surrendering to the power, which you are already a part of, that brings the ecstasy of embracing your true being.  You are not separated from Divine Source……you are connected at the hip, the shoulder, the leg, the hands, the heart and the soul.  When you allow yourself to fully, deep within, feel that connection you will know there is nothing in which you are apart from. 

Your highest good, your highest joy, your highest power and your highest love comes from Divine Source through your highest self.  The consciousness of heaven is therefore when you are able to not only remember but stay open in mind to the Divinity of that connection; when you can allow the Divinity of your heart to expand beyond the way you currently love and when you can express full Divinity in its pure form.  Simply put, when you keep your mind on uplifted thoughts, your heart open to love in all ways and your spirit honestly pure in every endeavor you will experience the consciousness of heaven.
Only when belief in struggle, lack, death, judgment, perfection, and other mind sets from which all lower vibrations flow does hell prevail.  And yes, hell is a consciousness too.  The choice is really up to you.  if you find fear, or overwhelm [stress] or judgment against accepting any energy the way it is present during any experience then you cannot expect to live in heaven.  You may not be aware of this but the opposite of LIVE is EVIL so if you are not living in Heaven then you are dwelling in evil and giving justification to be in Hell.
To experience the consciousness of heaven is simple.  It requires these things: acknowledging negative emotions and thinking that presents itself; then accepting that it’s present; asking the hard questions [where does this energy come from?  What triggered it? What was my first experience feeling this way? Am I ready to let it go by integrating the feelings and incorporating the mind-set?]; clear the negative energy by grounding and then change your mind set by thinking differently – by flooding your consciousness with truth of abundance, perpetual life, unconditional love, and excited joy.  Each step, in this order, will carry you into heaven.  And when you are consistently experiencing the consciousness of heaven you are living in the fullness of your real self.

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles  http://ask-lynne.org/lynnesmiracles/