“The Circle of Life” a song made famous by the theatrical production of Disney’s Lion King, is a wonderful concept that expresses how life continues to flow. Although the song infers life to death to a renewedness of what’s right in the world once again, the circle of life also denotes an act of love through the process of giving and receiving. It can be giving love and receiving love in return. But it can also be giving of your time and receiving the time you need to complete a project, attend an event or whatever time you need. It may be giving of your talents or money and receiving those things back, in the same way. The process of giving and receiving is simply the Law of Reciprocity at work! And boy, does it work!
For everything you put out into the universe you will find it returns right back to you. I like to think of this as the Law of Attraction working in a most orderly and divine way. This Divine Law of Attraction, of course, has no positives or negatives; right or wrong it simply honors, through the merging of energies, what is floating around out there, and is then presented to you in like kind. So, it’s important to be aware that if what you “give” is hardship and heartache to someone else, no matter who it is, you will “receive” hardship and heartache in return. Perhaps not from the same person you gave it to or maybe not even from a person at all, but you will receive it from life events or circumstances.
If there is but one thing I could give to you as my gift it would be the understanding that when you are operating as your full and divine best self you will, in turn, receive full and divine best gifts. You know, this is the time of year when Santa Clause visits everyone’s home providing joyous gifts of love in the form of whatever the person desires; toys (electronic and otherwise), new clothes, a home, jewelry, a pet, a special trip or vacation, etc. If you’ve been good or in other words opened your heart to loving others, be in appreciation of what you have, forgiven yourself for past and present actions that you’ve not been proud of, and accepted your own divine personal power Santa will give you the miraculous desires of your heart. But, on the other hand, if you continued to gossip, complain, judge, criticize, harm others and yourself, live in fear, etc. then he gives you a lump of coal in your stocking.
Of course, the character of Santa and what you receive is a metaphor representing the unconditional love God has for you. No matter what, He will give so that you receive exactly the type of energy that you have given through-out the year. Even if you believe you have given wonderful, good and mighty things yet what you received was a lump of coal, be aware of what has lied behind your giving. Because what you receive in like kind is based on the feelings, thoughts and emotions from which you give. If you give to make yourself seem like a great person (from ego), if you give to get something back (manipulation), if you give to get out of something (avoidance behavior) be aware that what you will receive are events, circumstances, and items offered in a manner you may not desire. What you receive in these examples are miracles for they show you where it is important to correct your thinking, feeling, doing, and behaving in order to recalibrate your heart, enhancing pure agape love. Then, once you have shifted the way in which you give, desired miracles pour in for you to receive.
This holiday season, as you enjoy festivities with family and friends, remember that the blessings you give are the blessings you receive. Therefore, give divine love to others as well as yourself and you will receive divine love in return. It is how Divine Source has orchestrated it to be – for in your giving and receiving exists the circle of life.
Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles http://ask-lynne.org/lynnesmiracles/