For the almost 30 years I’ve conducted clairvoyant / medium psychic readings with healings there are three subject categories always asked about. They are Health, Relationship and, of course, Finance. These areas are what I call the “Triangle of Life”. When you have good health you are feeling good, capable of fully enjoying all you have on full throttle. When you are in a loving relationship you are able to express the love within you and have mirrored back the wonderful experience of receiving love. And, when you are financially solvent you are operating from the compensation principle of giving service, receiving money and giving money, receiving product; and, the more you give the more you receive and vice-versa.
So, you’re probably wondering how does this help increase your income, right? Well, to begin with, it’s important to know that you are a divine spiritual being operating in a physical body, while expressing your essence through mental and emotional bodies. Through the use of these bodies you are able to expand soul experience and as you do you express more too – more of your real, true self where seeing and hearing goes beyond the confines of the physical body; where feeling go beyond the confines of the emotional body and knowing goes beyond the confines of the mental body. When expanding and expressing beyond the constraints of these three consciousness bodies you as spirit begin to emerge and all sorts of experiences begin to happen. Your intuition becomes stronger as it takes on a profile that is secure in seeing beyond the physical objects, hearing beyond the sounds of the world, feeling deeper than the immediate surfacing tumble of emotions and knowing with absolute certainty beyond what the mind believes is true or is able to rationalize / intellectualize.
As you connect with your soul where the inner, real you lives, the abilities you have to naturally expand further than the physical senses is what’s known as your psychic abilities. Now you may “see” images, you may “hear” distinct voices or sounds, you may “feel” sensations transformed into valuable information or you may simply know with unwavering certainty that the idea, information or hunch you receive is correct. It doesn’t matter if you are strong in one ability or all; whatever your sensitivity, it’s valid.
Now I’m sure your thinking still, “What does this have to do with me and making additional income?” O.K., here it is: people who are very sensitive are often people who go farther than others into the beyond. These are the psychic readers who are earning an income doing what they love most, doing what they’re passionate about. You too can become a psychic reader, opening completely to your natural abilities and you can use those abilities to earn as much or little as you desire. When using them, you’re able to assist others, even those with abilities as strong or stronger than you by more clearly discerning particular issues, providing guidance on what to do next or simply by validating information known that can provide inner peace. So here are some tips on how to get started doing psychic readings in answer to the question; How Can Spirituality Help Increase Your Income:
1. Begin with a brief beginning meditation exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. This exercise will assist you in becoming open to your abilities. Here’s a guided meditation you can follow:
2. Ask yourself questions throughout the daysuch as: “Who is that on the phone?” and you’re not looking at caller I.D. when it rings, or before you leave the house for the day ask “What is the best route to take with the least traffic?”. In other words ask yourself questions you receive answers to that can be immediately validated.
3. Rub your hands together for a minute and then pull them apart, palm to palm in a darkened room or area. Don’t strain but look to see if you find a trace of color or shapes around your hands or in between them.
4. Using a deck of regular playing cards, take only one suit and mix up the cards face down. Spread them out, face down, and begin picking them up one-by-one and turning them over. Before turning over each card ask the question, “Which number card is this?”. Go with the first number you receive. Don’t try to figure it out just go with what you get; then turn the card over. Once you’ve become proficient with the getting the numbers correct introduce other card suits and begin discerning not only the number but the suit as well.
5. Above, this article are 3 cards from the Miracle Magic Oracle Card deck. Allow yourself to look at each one of them after asking the question…, “What does the Universe want me to know right now that will help me easily accomplish my most recent goal?” Then write down the impressions you get based on what these cards seem to show you. Don’t doubt, distrust or waver about the information you receive. Simply write it down and once you’re finished read what you’ve written. You’d be surprised at the depth of information you receive from a perspective you probably didn’t even think about.
These are just a few exercises you can do. There are many many other ways to gently expand your abilities. Have fun with these and if you are interested in developing your talents further in order to become a certified reader and earn more income, take advantage of the Miracle Magic Oracle Reading Workshop offered by Center of Light Miracles; coming soon…
Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles