This article explains the chakra system and how to open them, in an easy to understand way. The chakra explanations written below are simple descriptions of what each one represents along with the examples of what blocks them.
How to open your 7 chakras is described simplistically, yet in more detail through the Nick channel, animated show “The Last Air Bender – The Guru”, in the link below. Enjoy!
1. Earth Chakra – Deals with survival. It’s blocked by fear.
You cannot protect yourself or those you love if you’re too afraid of what you could potentially face in front of you. Let go of these fears so that you can help yourself and others survive.
Example: You won’t be able to properly defend yourself or your family when someone breaks into your home if you’re too afraid of pain or death.
2. Water Chakra – Deals with pleasure. It’s blocked by guilt
You won’t be able to enjoy true pleasure if your mind is blocked by what you feel most guilty about. Be rid of all Guilt, to enjoy Life’s Pleasures.
Example: Activities such as sports, travel and sex won’t be as pleasurable to you if you are too busy thinking about your guilt as if you don’t deserve life’s pleasures.
3. Fire Chakra – Deals with power. It’s blocked by shame.
You cannot feel true power within yourself if you’re too clouded by something you feel ashamed of. Powerful Leaders do not think of their shame but continue to lead. Block out all your shame, so that you can hold true power over yourself and others.
Example: People won’t want to follow you if you’re weakened by something bad you have done in the past. A strong Person letting go of their shame such as hurting a loved one will allow them to lead.
4. Love Chakra – Deals with love. It’s blocked by grief.
You cannot truly love another again if your mind is shrouded by the grief of losing someone from your past. You must learn to take what was love for them and spiral it into new love. Only then will you be able to love another once again.
Example: A person living their whole life not being able to truly love a new person because they’re saddened by their loss of their last love.
5. Sound Chakra – Deals with truth. It’s blocked by lies we tell ourselves.
You will never understand what Truth is, if you constantly tell yourself lies. You will always See a lie and never the truth. Whatever lie you say about yourself, let go of this lie and accept yourself for who you are, not who you wish you could be. Only then will you understand the truth.
Example: A person can never look at themselves as a confident beautiful person if they keep telling themselves they’re an ugly individual that no one wants to be around.
6. Light Chakra – Deals with insight. It’s blocked by illusion.
You will walk through life in an illusion if you see something as being what it is not. Let go of the illusions around you so that you can come to understand their true form and what or who they really are. All things are connected.
Example: Looking at Race, Countries, living things as a separated, divided thing instead of looking at them all as one in the same. Equal.
7. Thought Chakra – Deals with pure cosmic energy. It’s blocked by all earthly attachment.
You will not be able to truly gain complete control of your spirit and mind and not be able to connect it to the breathing universe if you’re too stuck with your earthly attachments such as love and possessions. Learn to let go of these possessions with an understanding that it can still be a part of your life without holding you down towards the earth. Only then will you finally Connect with the universe as a greater being and have true control over your spirit.
Example: A person being too attached to their Job, Money, Collections, Memories, Lover tend to forget there is a bigger, greater living universe to be spiritually connected to.
Nick on You Tube: How to Open Your 7 Chakras (10:05 mins)