How to Release Stress and Find PeaceStress is a condition that women suffer from in the world today. That’s why it’s very important to know How to Release Stress and Find Peace. I believe stress has always been part of the human experience but with the level of demands placed on us to do more, more, more and to do it all perfectly, we have become a generation of overly anxious, over eaters who sleep less, juggle more, stay on the move without a breath fanatics. The demands of life today are just so great we don’t often realize we are in the middle of a, stress crises. Multitasking as we go from one aspect of our daily routine to another has become the way of life. And, the mantra that reverberates throughout the ether is, “There isn’t enough time, energy or stamina to get it all done!”

Unfortunately, there are many ways we experience stress. We experience it when our minds are filled with all the things needing to be done, and needing to be done now, which is what causes overwhelm. We experience stress when we are in a current experience that calls up old unpleasant memories. In this scenario we become emotionally stressed. We become stressed when we operate from the belief that there isn’t enough; money, time, energy, love, good health, etc. We stress out our physical body when we eat foods that don’t support the natural process of our body. Too many sugars, fat, over cooked food, processed food and basically anything that isn’t natural, raw or unprocessed creates undo stress that our body doesn’t process very well.

But there’s one other thing that causes stress in a way that is very unconscious to most women; it is resistance. Resistance is a fancy word for “going against” or in the case of a busy schedule, busy life, it can mean “I don’t wanna….!” Resistance is a syndrome that is so insidious you probably aren’t even aware of how you’re gritting your teeth right now or how your shoulders aren’t completely relaxed or how wired you are internally…..all because resistance, the “I don’t wanna” is operating without your awareness. As I bring it to your attention, even now, what are you fighting against within your mind, emotionally or physically? Are you thinking “I don’t feel like it!” Are you feeling “Oh….Do I have to?” Is your head, neck, back or another part of your body screaming “No! I want to sleep; I want to relax”? If any of these conditions are what you are experiencing currently you are in resistance and this resistance causes stress; it perpetuates stress as well.

So, how can you begin to release stress and find peace? You can do this through the process of letting go; letting go of belief systems that don’t serve you anymore. Letting go of the negative emotions you hold onto, as you play over and over again, in your mind, scenes from the past that keep you stuck. Letting go of tension in your body; and letting go of the need to do all things, all at the same time. Now, I’m sure you’re thinking, that sounds good and all but; “How can I start letting go?” Well, there are a couple of ways I’ve found effective for releasing stress through the process of letting go.

One way to release stress is by Deep Breathing. Simply close your eyes and begin to breath; nice easy deep breaths. Breathe from the tips of your toes, up through your spine, all the way up to the top of your head. And, then exhale slowly, easily as the breath naturally leaves your body – you don’t have to force it. When breathing deeply you cannot hold onto tension, resistance, constraint or the feeling of fight against yourself because the exhale causes you to let go automatically. It’s amazing how, with each breath, you feel more and more relaxed as you let go of the resistance in all ways. For more tips on a Nostril Breathing Exercise that works phenomenally well; email me through and I will send you the exercise.

The second way to release stress is through Meditation. Meditation is now the flavor of the decade as the entire world is discovering how many benefits it provides. Through the process of meditation you are able to quiet the mind, still the body and calm the emotions. In particular, guided visualization meditation is a great way to apply the use of imagery along with breathing to let go of particular thought forms, negative emotions and physical sensations. It’s a process of not holding onto, but allowing, the stressful feelings, memories, thoughts and sensations to come fully to the surface of your conscious awareness to then be release more easily and effortlessly. Over time, as you continue to practice this daily ritual for 30 minutes to an hour you will find more peace throughout the day and eventually much more permanently. To practice this form of meditation, consider the guided meditation “Peaceful Bliss” from Center of Light Miracles at: You may also watch the video below for a helpful way to meditate.

[youtube id=”auP4NbIpwvg” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Being at peace as you release stress through the process of letting go, whether it be by deep breathing or meditation, is an experience you deserve to have every moment of every day.

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles