Have you noticed how much craziness is happening in the world today? One can argue nothing has changed from the beginning of time. There have always been wars over something- land, power, complete control.
There have always been groups who are wealthier than other groups who may have cheated and taken advantage of the have-nots; while a few have-nots focus on grabbing, taking or snatching from the haves. But recently, the chaos seems unequivocally out-of-control! It’s hard to pick up a newspaper, online magazine, video feed or watch television news without being aware of unrest in not only the United States but throughout the world. There’s no need to go into detail; you can read or watch that information for yourself. Needless to say though, the struggle for control, power, and wealth within a country or between countries demonstrates the tarring down of old regimes as new ones are fighting even more for dominance.
I equate the world or external chaos with the analogy of having conflicting energy battling within your own personal-self space. Old belief systems struggling to stay alive as new perspectives fight their way through to your consciousness, start causing you to question your old ways of thinking. This is not unlike communist countries being persuaded [sometimes with force] toward democracy. Jumbled emotions are unrecognizable, a challenge for sure, to experience any one specific feeling. Put simply, you feel horrible and yucky. The feelings are brought on by a twisted confusion of thoughts due to an array of circumstances. Experiences such as the have-nots who were at one time the have-somethings, until prevailing circumstances pushed them into poverty, is incomprehensible.
Externally and internally, the havoc of conflicting ideas, feelings, experiences, and simply surviving keeps all chaos spinning round and round. It’s hard to imagine there might be peace anywhere in the midst of it. Yet there is!
Chaos cannot exist unless there is peace. Peace cannot exist unless there is chaos. Look in the center of confusion…you will actually find peace. Pay attention to the quiet outside the noise…you will find peace. Take a deep breath in the middle of fearful feelings…you will find peace. Like the eye of a hurricane, nothing in that space is touched, it’s clear, with a patch of blue sky up above and, except for a bit of wind a few miles out, there’s no evidence of any disturbance. This is not an opposite condition but simply a juxtaposition of prevailing energies supporting each other, experienced in different ways.
Being aware of this, isn’t it wonderful to know that as your life seems upside down, backwards and topsy turvey it really is okay? It feels wrong but it’s right! Peace lies within. It’s in your center, it’s who you are, it’s the spirit-self which remains unmoved by changing conditions.
We know through the discovery of science that energy is always moving. It’s in constant motion and based on the conditions surrounding it or the type of energy itself, chaos brings transformation and transformation brings about the state of a resting condition, regardless of how long it remains in that still form. That resting condition is peace. It is a very over- simplified way of describing the Chaos Theory. Here’s a more concise explanation from the Fractal Foundation:
“Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the unexpected. …Chaos Theory deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like turbulence, weather, the stock market, our brain states, and so on. Chaos is not simply disorder. Chaos explores the transitions between order and disorder, which often occur in surprising ways.”
The Butterfly Effect is a great way to describe the principle of the Chaos Theory.
“This effect grants the power to cause a hurricane in China to a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico. It may take a very long time, but the connection is real. If the butterfly had not flapped its wings at just the right point in space/time, the hurricane would not have happened. A more rigorous way to express this is that small changes in the initial conditions lead to drastic changes in the results.”
As it appears, based on this theory, one energy condition does not happen without the other, and no position remains constant as it is affected by it’s counterpart which appears through transition or transformation. Now looking at the chaos within your personal space, at work, or home, when you peer into the “drama” described as chaos what would be the transformation of that energy? Perhaps restfulness, stillness, being settled, stable, non-stress, easiness, seamless flow or even peace?
Like the Butterfly Effect it only takes a small action to shift and transform the chaos in your own life to one of peace, which may not be noticeable from the spot where confusion lies.
But here are some things you can do to create the transition:
- Take Ten Deep Breaths: Inhale from the tips of your toes all the way up through your spin to the top of your head and then exhale slowly out through your stomach (3rd chakra) area. Inhale for six seconds and exhale for ten seconds.
- Empty Your Mind: Write with a pen/pencil and paper [no computer] what’s on your mind. Not in sentences or with structure; just what comes up for at least ten minutes or longer. Keep writing until you have emptied all your thoughts at that present moment.
- Visualize How You Want Things To Be: Emotionize what you desire. See it, imagine it and then feel it, knowing that what you chose to experience in your life has already happened. The key here, is to see it in full detail and to fully experience the feelings and emotions of it manifested. This means full focus for the duration of the exercise. It takes practice but doing it daily for a minimum of 1 minute per occurance, several times a day, will bring about the desired results.
- Daily Energy Release Meditation: Learning how to release energy on a daily basis helps to let go of chaotic energy. The more often you meditate consistently, the art of letting go of energy, the easier it becomes. The easier it becomes, the more you automatically let go of chaotic feelings, thoughts and reactions [stressful drama] that are present. Even when not in meditation you’ll find the practice of letting go happens naturally. Below is a link to over fifty guided meditations. Each one begins with a releasing energy focus. From there you are guided into meditation techniques specific to the topic.
Always remember, in the midst of chaos is peace. It’s only a matter of you connecting with your inner peace to transform whatever the chaos is spinning around in your life.
*The Chaos Theory: taken from…Fractal Foundation