It’s Time For a Paradigm Shift! The year 2011 is almost at an end and 2012 is being ushered in. According to the Mayan Calendar, the world ends on December 21, 2012 and so many people are up in arms. What does this mean? Will the world be destroyed? Will we all die? If life goes on, what will it be like? Will the planet continue with only some of us but not all of us? I, like so many other psychics and spiritualists, have been asked these questions and more. But the answer is simple……and there’s only one answer; “The world as we’ve known it will be over, at least on a consciousness level!” It’s no accident that the world economy has collapsed; people are out of work as industries shut down; citizens are rebelling against absolute government/corporate power, reduction of civil liberties is on an up-rise and the global energy crises is being debated rather than truly solved. The world is already beginning to “implode” leaving room for the new paradigm shift.
So, what is the new paradigm shift? Well, globally it’s the concept of world democracy expanding exponentially, a shifted monetary value system based on the silver and gold standard and an increased value of support / service given to others (even though we may not see these fully realized until 2015). On a personal, more spiritual level, the paradigm shift is about connecting with your passion and living your passion as a demonstration of your purpose. The paradigm shift for you is about ending the mind games where you defend your belief systems that don’t support you. This personal paradigm shift is about eliminating FEAR [False Evidence Appearing Real] to a new definition of what F.E.A.R. means “Feeling Excited And Ready” (as coined by Neale Donald) to express the true you. Your personal paradigm shift will move you beyond the thought of believing you are a physical body with five physical senses to that of experiencing or being who you truly are, connected to the greater whole.
It’s time to make a paradigm shift within you! It won’t happen by osmosis or you wishing for things to change, hard as you might want them to change. In order to create your own type of “implosion” (where the cycle of endings and beginnings, destroying and creating happens) you must ask the question “Who Am I?” It’s a simple question which, once explored, will bring you to the pentacle answer that will be experienced and then expressed in the most special, glorious way. By asking this question, you will move yourself out of the “Dark Ages” and into the “New Age” of consciousness where only reality has value. It’s time for a paradigm shift beginning with you!
Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles