Let It Snow! For now is the season where the weather turns cold and the planet moves into deep hibernation. Many creatures and other living things find their natural rhythm in conjunction with the Earth’s seasonal cycle and winter is for restful sleep. It’s a time to rejuvenate by shutting down and closing out the busyness of work and other activities for a short while. Winter is the ending, a type of death that allows life to regain strength – recovering a renewed fervor to start again. In life, beginnings lead to endings and endings to beginnings, a circle of transition from one aspect to another. So, Let It Snow! As the flakes fall it’s a great reminder to allow lower emotional energies and mindsets of lack, worry and confusion, which block the vibrancy of your soul, to fall away too. Mother Earth calls for change……to die in order to transcend; like the phoenix that dies to become reborn. Shed the energies that prevent you from being reborn. Allow them to fall off by going within and being still [like hibernation] until they die away in such a manner you rise even higher to the next level of ascension once you awaken again.Rising higher and higher you’re sure to connect with the peace, love, joy, confidence and the power within you. Those previous energies which kept you stagnant, once gone leave room for the true essence of your real being to come through. It’s the evolutionary ascended process that not only raises the vibration on the planet but allows you to raise in vibration too. Use this time to really go within. If you are on a path of deep personal awareness continue along your journey. If you have had a soul awakening but don’t know what to do, consider starting with meditation and delve right in to you. If your spirit is restless, consider ‘Ask Lynne’ to secure answers to those soul searching questions. And if you are truly ready to ascend to the highest vibration possible, start with the workshop, “Intro. to Living a Miraculous Life!” In essence, NOW is the time to Let It Snow by shedding all false energies and letting them die so that you may continue to live in the reality of spirit expression.
by Rev. Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles