Love is a Four Letter WordLove is a four letter word representing everything related to this dynamic and beautiful world we live in.  Love is the actual substance that lies within the nucleus of every cell.  Love is energetic vibration of every atom and subatomic particle that forms matter.  Love is what every physical manifestation on this planet has including your body.  Love is what dictates the order of the universe.  And love is what you are; which is why you have the ability to create whatever you desire into your conscious reality.  So in order to manifest your desires from love remember that LOVE also means: Life Offers Valued Enlightenment!


Life is the activity you are engaged in right here, right now. It is the present moment which when strung together constitutes a series of experiences that unfolds as your journey, your creation, your destiny.  Love is life and life is love.  They can never be separated because without love life could not and would not exist. Energetically, the resonance is at a vibration so high that when matched, all thoughts crossing your mind receive the breath of life and they happen. So know that life is not what happens to you, it is how you happen to it.  As you hold the resonance of love within you experience each moment in the present creating your entire life which is the journey to enlightenment.

Offers of love, peace, joy, power and enlightenment are what Divine Source promises when you sincerely seek to connect directly with Him/Her.  What’s required is the willingness, courage, persistence, perseverance and everything else you’ve got to dig deep and soar high to become familiar with you; your essence, the you that is love and can only connect with Divine Source face to face as a child with the parent.   In the meaning of love, offers is your birthright and if you choose to accept what Divine Source has for you true enlightenment is all yours.

Valued only happens when you value (honor and respect) yourself. And valuing yourself is as simple as following your heart.  Listen to what your heart tells you; it speaks to you all the time. When you follow your heart you validate or value the information that comes from deep within. Your spirit knows what you should be aware of and how you are to be guided to take the actions significant for your spiritual growth and development. Honor and respect who you are then life must offer valued enlightenment.

Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of those who are sincere about a spiritual path.  It is often confused as the goal or destination, but real enlightenment is the journey.  Growth never stops; it doesn’t even take a break.  It may appear to slow down or speed up and based upon your resistance to the growth it may seem to be more difficult or easy along the way.  In reality, enlightenment is the next step beyond where you currently are. When you reach a level of awareness that expands your consciousness it causes a shift in behavior, release of negative patterns, or a very different way of thinking and emoting.  Enlightenment is what you’re experiencing now in comparison to where you were 10 years ago and yet the journey is not over…the path of enlightenment continues on.

Love, is a four letter word representing, in this case, a navigation system helping you get where you chose to go providing you are on a road trip with no time limit, a lot of flexibility, spontaneity, and the willingness to land wherever you do at any given moment.  Love is you; Love is life! Value each part of what life offers and you will experience love along the enlightenment trail.

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles