Key Ingredients for Healing AllA ilmentsWhen you hear someone speak about being in a healing crises or when s/he is rightfully upset about a health challenge, rarely is it considered to be an opportunity to discover how to live life better by bringing forth the real essence of a healthy you. But in reality that’s exactly what it is; an opportunity! Any and every health challenge from obesity to cancer, from headaches to HIV and everything in between is a direct result of emotional or psychological imbalances that manifest themselves physically. For every thought you have, belief system you hold, and emotion you experience, when held onto become part of your consciousness which is embedded in every physical new cell you develop. And there are new cells continuously being created everyday. If the thoughts, belief systems and emotions are negative ones, adverse cells are formed causing a variety of ailments and dis-eases. So, is there anything that can be done in order to keep from having and/or shift an existing unhealthy condition? The answer is: Of course there are! Below is a list of just a few but very critical things you can do as…

Simple Steps to Heal All Ailments:

  • Meditate daily for 30 minutes or more – here’s one you can do. “Building Your Immune System” Meditation –
  • Say positive affirmations and be mindful to not say or have a negative attitude
  • Be grateful for every condition you experience in life
  • Exercise daily for 60 minutes even if it’s just walking. You may split your exercise up by doing 4-15 minute sessions; 3-20 minute sessions…
  • Do some form of Yoga at least 3 times a week (this may serve as exercise also)
  • Laugh and play in some way, everyday
  • Get a full body massage once a week, if possible
  • Do a hot tub (could be your bathtub) once a week
  • Brush or exfoliate your entire body once a week
  • Eat more raw foods than cooked; fast on healthy green juices once a week; and be sure to drink lots of alkaline water

Each of the items on this list you are probably already aware of. But it’s nice to be reminded that healing begins with transformation and the holistic approach makes the difference.

If you would like specific information about various experts in some of these areas, please contact me through the Center of Light Miracles website. I know very strong and cutting edge professionals who can assist you through these processes.

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles