Did you know that you live in an abundant universe where prosperity and wealth are your birthrights? You do! Do you have faith that you’re supported, no matter your present circumstances? You are!
I know it’s sometimes hard to see the abundance in our lives, especially in today’s changing world where few of us have been untouched by economic concerns. But, even during tough times, we still have everything we need and more. In fact, prosperity can be ours no matter what’s going on in our lives and around us. It’s all a matter of the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs we CHOOSE to live by.
Each day I talk with many people who are worried about money and work. In fact, I’d say that 99.99% of my readings lately have touched on fears around job losses, financial difficulties, and working through transitions. There’s no doubt that we’re living in times of unprecedented transformation, challenge, and opportunity. Both on a personal and global level, we’re being called to higher consciousness. As part of this metamorphosis, each of us is being invited to redefine what wealth and prosperity mean in our lives.
Many of us have tended to view terms such as “wealth,” “rich,” and “prosperous” as something outside of us that we’ll eventually experience when we finally get more than what we have now. But, the truth is, wealth starts from WITHIN us! Prosperity isn’t about what you have; it’s a state of mind and being. It’s what you value, the thoughts you think, and the beliefs you hold, that determine the riches in your life. My road to a prosperous living was by no means direct. As I talk about in my first book, Remembering the Future, I struggled in my 20s with addictions and used a variety of things – alcohol, shopping, drugs, food, men, and so on – to fill what I felt was a void inside me. It wasn’t until I embraced the Divine within me that I was able to become clean and sober. With that recognition of the ever-present power of Spirit within me, I let go of my focus on things. I became more giving, worked harder for the higher good, and acted with more faith, compassion, and forgiveness. The more I transformed on the inside, the more the Universe showed me it was possible for me to live prosperously. The tragedy of my parents losing everything shortly after I became sober further showed me that prosperity isn’t about what you have, but instead about whom you are.
And so, without further adieu, I give you the top eight insights on prosperity that have made the greatest difference in my life and the people I’ve worked with.
Prosperity Insight #1 – Create Your Personal Definition of What it Means to Live Prosperously: While our culture has tended to look at prosperity as meaning having lots of money, the truth is it involves much, much more. You are prosperous to the degree that you living a full, satisfying life. What does this kind of life look like to you?
Prosperity Insight #2 – Know That You Deserve to Live Prosperously No Matter What: Many of us have been lead to believe that we don’t deserve happy, abundant lives. Others of us have been taught that wealth is bad; somehow it is more heroic to struggle in life. This isn’t true! Prosperity is divinely ordained for each of us, for it enables us to live our lives to the fullest.
Prosperity Insight #3 – You Get What You See: The more you observe and bless the prosperity and wealth you have in your life now, the more you have. The more you observe scarcity and not enough, the more you create the experience of not enough. So, it’s crucial that you pay attention to the economy of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs! I also highly recommend keeping a gratitude journal to help you train yourself to see the abundance in your life.
Prosperity Insight #4 – You Cannot Get Something For Nothing: While your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are a major part of living prosperity, so are the actions you take. As I like to say, you can’t be an armchair astronaut! Your business isn’t going to just come together if you’re sitting at home on your couch.
You have to take steps to find the fantastic friends/ partner you want, apply and network for the perfect job, take steps to good health, ask for a raise, and so on. If you want a fulfilling life you must continue to take action on your dreams, knowing that the Universe will support your hard work.
Prosperity Insight #5 – You Can Always Give Something: As with the old idea of tithing, the world is your church and distributing your wealth to others ensures the flow continues. I’m not necessarily referring to donating money but giving your service and generosity to others. Remember, you can only keep what you’re willing to give! And, there is always something you can give.
Prosperity Insight #6 – Create Space For Your Dreams: One of my favorite books on prosperity is The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder. One of the points she makes is the importance of making room in your life for what you want by getting rid of what you don’t want. So, it might be time to let go of the clothes and furniture that no longer suit you, or even say goodbye (with love) to any people in your life who no longer feed your soul. Nature abhors a vacuum, so when you begin to move out what is no longer right for you, you make space for the greater good to come in.
Prosperity Insight #7 – Trust in the support of the Universe: Remember that self-will alone isn’t enough to make things happen. While it sometimes might seem like things are being withheld from us, it’s usually because something better is in store. For example, we might be laid off from a job we hate in order to create the space needed to get one we love.
Prosperity Insight #8 – Invite the Divine to Bring Miracles Into Your Life: We all co-create our lives with the Divine. As you continue to take action on the above, you must surrender your desires to Spirit, and trust that they will be fulfilled for the highest good of all and for the true manifestation of your purpose in Divine appropriate timing. One of my favorite exercises is to write a letter to Spirit in which I share my desires and affirm my commitment to working towards them. Then, I surrender it all to the Divine with trust that what is mine will not go past me. Try it now!
Remember, we are all rich people living in a world full of infinite treasures. There’s not only enough to go around, but there’s also endless abundance. Nothing is missing for you. Even if you feel you’ve lost something, remember that you’re making room for something better to come. The Universe is full of amazing possibilities and actually wants to support your highest good!
The article comes from OM Times, on-line magazine, written by Colette Baron-Reid. She is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best-selling Hay House author who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential, and purpose.