Week of October 15, 2017…
Mental & Emotional Care – Taming the Tongue – Speak Your Positive Experiences
Taming the tongue is just another way of saying, watch what you say. Every word you speak has a vibrational sound or resonance which is part of the manifestation process. In essence, when you are focused on manifesting anything from the ethereal [unseen world] into the material [physical world] there are basic rules that fall into place like dominos. When striking one domino the others fall in direct alignment until the end result or your energetic image is manifested.
- The first step or domino is the idea or thought of what you desire to manifest.
- The second step or domino is feeding that idea by expanding the vision of it.
- The third step or domino is feeling what it would be like to experience that idea or vision in 3D.
- The fourth step or domino is bringing it into the physical world through sound resonance. That means speaking [sound] helps give the idea form a window to enter the 3D world.
The fourth step is where taming of the tongue is so important. What you say, the vibration, meaning and intention of your words continue to feed the experiences you have. Why? Because sound resonance through your words are the window to thoughts that, whether you are conscious of them or not, replicates ideas into physical form.
Therefore, complaining, criticizing, gossiping, and judging bring the creation of limiting experiences toward what you choose to manifest. Each time you complain about someone or something you are passing judgement. You could not see it in another person if you did not possess a similar energy yourself. Therefore, complaining, criticizing and gossiping from judgement is the same as judging yourself. In that circumstance it limits you from the full awareness of your power, your beauty, your magnificence. I’m sure you can see how experiencing life from these limited viewpoints, ideas, thoughts, and feelings hold you back from what you choose to create fully that can be manifested into the world.
Making the decision to shift what you say by taming the tongue is successfully achieved with practice.
Here’s an exercise you can practice every day for a minimum of 30 days:
- Create a journal and calendar or print one out, for a month.
- On each day of the calendar write 4 horizontal or vertical columns:
- Complained
- Criticized
- Judged
- Gossiped
- Each time you complain, criticize, judge, gossip put a check next to the item you just did.
- After looking at the day’s check marks, write in your journal the most checked trait you will reduce.
- Then repeat the process of checking the traits as you do them the next day.
- Write in your journal what you noticed about the trait you’re focused on…
- Was it reduced?
- Did you notice what you were thinking before you said anything?
- Were you able to catch yourself?
- Were you able to say something favorable, uplifting, motivating, inspirational, instead?
- How did you feel when you weren’t speaking from that trait?
- Was it reduced?
- Stick with one thing you consciously decided to eliminate for the entire month or until it is gone or significantly reduced.
- Then move to the next second highest checked trait and work on that for a month; continuing the same process.
What you will discover is that at the end of 4 months, not only will you have tamed the tongue but you will have tamed your thoughts too. Emotionally you will feel fantastic! Energetically you will experience more ease-ment! Mentally you will be filled with positive life affirming thoughts and ideas to be manifested! Overall, you will be En-Joy and in Love with your life!