It may sound strange to consider The Spiritual Essence of Truth. Truth is just truth right? Well, yes it is and when it comes to spirituality there is only one truth. The essence of truth is the core of what’s real. That means what can never be destroyed, degrade, disappear or be broken down. So, what is real? Energy of course! Energy is the only real sustenance which takes form in many, many, many different ways. Energy can be shifted, manipulated, added on to, taken away from, expanded, contracted, molded, or scolded or transformed in any and everyway.
I bring this up because often, there is a misconception that my truth may be different from your truth which may be different from the community’s truth and so on. In actuality there are many perspectives and of course, many ways in which energy is formed to create varying experiences, emotions, thoughts, people, places, things, ideas, and…..well, you know; everything! When it comes to the Spiritual Essence of Truth [that one truth which every religion is based; every faith is built upon and values extend from] it all boils down to love….unconditional, divine love.
In reality, truth is simple – uncomplicated regardless of the perspective one chooses to take around it. The perspectives or stories are often in alignment with how one “sees” the truth and interprets it. In order to connect with truth, the one and only truth, ask Divine Source to reveal it to you; and then….ask for the interpretation which helps expand your consciousness until you get right into the core or the Spiritual Essence of Truth. Then you’ll know that you are on the correct path toward the connection between you, spirit, and Divine Creator and that connection is the one and only truth around which all spirituality is based.