Lynne's Psychic ReadingsDivine Source is the all Omnipresent Being! And, as human beings, to experience the total connection with It is what we continue to strive for when we work, play, love and explore our life, our world. In a conversation with a friend, we began talking about what helps us experience closeness with God. She asked me, “Which one of these three is closer to Divine Source for you?” She said, “Truth, Goodness or Beauty?” I hadn’t thought about what makes me feel closer to Divine Source and in particular, I hadn’t considered it from a perspective including these three choices. “Is there actually a right answer? One that’s better than the others?” I started thinking about it and then went into meditation to gain real clarity.

Of course the question is subjective because depending on who is asked a different answer is given. And, in actuality, each choice is a “right” answer revealing to the questioned individual the reality of what allows him or her to experience their personal connection with the Divine. So, consider for yourself, from these three choices, which one gives you a closer connection to the Divine? Before answering, perhaps you should know a little bit more about the differences between the three.

In choosing Truth you are someone who resonates with math, science and the law. Sacred Geometry is a series of mathematical structures which construct patterns that are repeated over, and over, and over again. Such patterns take on shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, pentagons, octagons and all of the shaped patterns with angled lines, parallels and intersections. This is how math reflects the truth of the universe. And with math comes science which also uses mathematical equations to help understand the universe, ways of man, ways of creation and Divine Source itself. Both math and science offer precise calculations which are worked and re-worked until satisfactory answers burst forth revealing the truth.

Under Truth also lies the law. Laws are created to help govern humanity with a set of rules and regulations which are to work for the greatest good of all. This applies to both God made and manmade laws. To uphold the law is to uphold truth with integrity. It is to serve others with righteousness and govern self as being part of the whole. In Truth, joyfulness is experienced and that is how the connection with the Divine is realized.

In choosing Goodness you are someone who resonates with purity. Purity is the deepest essence of all creation and life. It is the unspoiled seed waiting to be planted so that it may erupt from the earth and be what it is meant to be. Purity is seeing the best in everything! Purity is understanding gratitude for all experiences. Purity is the awareness, practice and all around experience of Divine Love in every form. There is innocence in purity because there is rarely a thought of harming anyone or anything. The resonance of purity is selflessness, not sacrifice. It is the sincere desire to do for others, to give unceasingly all of which demonstrates love.

Goodness is simple. There is nothing complicated about it because there is no underlying, agenda. There is no conditional regulations by which Goodness operates. Goodness is the connection with Divine Source that is not lost or severed. A person who vibrates Goodness does not need proof nor believes in an invisible God; because the essence of Goodness is Godness. If you choose Goodness it’s because you experience the Divine within you and all around you above all else. And, you are touched by the grandeur of unconditional love.

In choosing Beauty you are someone who resonates with the aesthetics of life. Beauty is creation in all ways, in all forms. Creation encompasses all energy; the way it transforms, transcends, attracts, opposes, becomes part of a new whole after spinning off from another form. In other words, Beauty is the appreciation and peaceful celebration of matter itself, singularly and through eventful experiences. The vibration of Beauty appreciates and lives in gratitude for nature, structural buildings, the stars, formation of businesses, the arts in all expressions, every living creature and all beings.

When Beauty connects you to Divine Source a deep level of internal peace wells up within you and then covers you like a shroud. Nothing disturbs that peace because even when other people judge experiences as ugly, dark and nasty, the one who vibrates Beauty sees the essence of creation and it’s purpose in that moment; awakening gratitude for the experience received within their soul.

After reading the choices of how you experience connection with Divine Source what conclusions have you made? Ahhhh…before you answer that question, tune into what your heart is telling you. The choice you make is not from the head. It is not an intellectual exercise but one the heart knows because it is driven by the soul. If you’re unsure of how to listen to your heart perhaps these tips might help:

Connect With Your Passion – no matter what it is. Your passion is an expression of your heart’s desire. The way you choose to experience your passion is your contribution to the world. It is also known as your life purpose. As you discover what vibrational resonance your passion is most like, [Truth, Goodness, Beauty] you will have clarity on how you experience connection with Divine Source.
Focus on What Motivates You – what motivates you is also the way in which you become inspired or “In Spirited”. When you are motivated you make definitive decisions propelling you forward. You allow nothing to stop you from reaching your goal no matter how many times you fail. The promise of light without the use of fire is what motivated Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. They failed 100’s of times until the first fireless light became evident. That’s motivation thrust by passion. And, passion is a demonstration of inspiration.
Be Still, Be Silent, Feel What Your Heart Wants – being still and silent allows you to actually feel what the heart desires. This can be accomplished during a brief meditation or any time you are literally, physically still with no distractions or surrounding stimulus. With your eyes closed, sitting or lying in a comfortable position, put your focus on your heart. Ask the question, “What vibrational attribute do I resonate with most to experience my connection with the Divine?” After asking the question, feel the answer. Allow it to come in the form you are most open to; as an actual feeling, hearing the answer, receiving an image representation, or receiving the answer in the way of simply knowing what it is. Don’t force the answer. It may take a few times to become clear of what you are experiencing in the way of an answer.

Don’t be surprised if the answer you receive is more than just one vibration. It may be two or even all three. If it is more than a specific resonance, discern which one is primary, then secondary and so forth. The example of Edison and Tesla was used, making the point about motivation, passion and their connection to inspiration. It’s obvious through Truth they connected to God. As scientists and inventors, they were compelled and driven to accomplish what they did. It was part of the Divine in the essence of pure Truth which sparked and created them. But I would also add, a secondary spark for Tesla was Goodness as well; for he had an open heart to give freely to entire communities, the gift of light and more. It was an unconditional act of love that also kept him driven.

You may be wondering why it’s important to know in what way you experience the Divine connection with The Creator? Well, I believe, to know is to open into the real essence of you. It becomes a road map by which you are given the opportunity to fully discover you and all you are capable of. In knowing your real self you are able to completely love who you are and all others in the same way as God. That is your path of personal ascension, completing the process of total unity with the Divine.

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles

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