I’m sure you have wondered at times, “Why do I continue this bad habit or repeat this relentless poor pattern?  I know better, but I can’t seem to help myself.”  Do you have control over yourself, or is something else controlling you? You may often feel out of control, no matter what bad habits or patterns you have developed even though you would like to change them. But, somehow “they” just keep controlling you. We have been told that conditioning, like Pavlov’s Dog, is the culprit to addictions, or that neurological abnormalities may be what lies behind behavior patterns that are not for our [or perhaps anyone else’s] highest good. These explanations are valid but could there be more?

 You may or may not believe in ghosts, spirit entities like angels and demons or any form of dis-incarnate spirits. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in them or not. For every habit, belief, and emotion an energetic form feeds off these behaviors. The old wife’s tales and some religious texts reference the existence of these energies. They are spirit entities that take hold of a person, acting as a marionette with it’s puppet. Ideas are planted in your mind, fueling emotions that extend into behavior patterns they control. Controlling you in this way is necessary for them to survive, live and thrive. 

C.J. Lewis has written an excellent, humorous, easy to read, book called ‘The Screwtape Letters’.  He writes it from the perspective of a junior apprentice demon learning how to become a master demon from his Uncle Wormwood. Throughout the book, Lewis presents the reader with the idea that what you believe, how you behave, the way you speak, and the patterns you have developed are simply strategic moves on the part of demons, like Wormwood and Screwtape; demonstrating these demon energies pull the strings, controlling you and all human beings to be food for their survival.

However, just because he has written this witty piece of literature certainly, couldn’t possibly be tied to reality – it isn’t to be taken seriously, is it? Well, that depends on your childhood background and/or your experiences throughout life. Only you can decide whether you subscribe to this level of reality or not.  What I can say though, is that after reading ‘The Screwtape Letters’ it is possible this theory could serve as another explanation about those out-of-control actions that seem to rear their heads any place, anytime. And…there are many different types of spiritual, religious, ceremonial, ritualistic practices (including Christianity) which promote the idea, their way is the only way in which to eliminate these dis-incarnate influences causing you to behave badly.

I am a proponent of the thinking that, because all experiences are energy and energy takes on many different forms, there are dis-incarnate energies which make it more difficult to simply let go of undesired behaviors. I have the unique advantage of being able to see, hear and feel most energy as if it were in physical/material form. The way in which some of these energies subtly manipulate ideas, beliefs, emotions and actions demonstrates not just mischievousness but an actual need to feed off the types of energies required for surviving – not unlike humans needing fruits and vegetables to remain healthy.  When observing these external dis-incarnate energies, it’s interesting to note how an idea introduced by one person, which is contrary to another’s belief, begins to fester until anger wells up. Before one realizes it, a heated verbal exchange happens where both parties become more adamant about their point of view until it escalates into an angry fight frenzy.

The initial idea is what dis-incarnate energies whisper into someone’s ear. The supporting idyllic thoughts are calculatedly implanted to bring up low-level feelings. Those feelings are fueled with more ideas and thoughts, not unlike fueling a flame, until it ignites into a raging inferno burning out of control, hurting whoever is in it’s wake. All the while external energies, unbeknownst to the two fighting, are getting their bellies full on a gourmet meal.

Now, you may not believe in or think this is even plausible. You don’t have to to be aware of your own frailties when feeling or being completely out-of-control. I’m sure you would like to be in control during undesired experiences like the example above. That at the end of the day your negative words, actions, behavior, thoughts, feelings, patterns and beliefs are under your full conscious control, causing the types of outcomes you choose to experience.

Well, there are ways for you to counteract the out-of-control influences that fuel and feed darker energies. Nevertheless, before I go into what some of those things are, I want to emphasize what being in control really means.  Imagine you wake up with a sore throat. As you get ready for the day your throat hurts more and more until it becomes very painful. You don’t understand what’s happening but your mind begins to think; “I have a cold. But maybe it’s more serious. Oh…this is getting worse. My throat is closing up!  I have strep throat.  Wait; I feel exhausted and I just woke up – it’s mono!  Oh no!  I wonder if this is cancer!!!”  Your thoughts spin so quickly out-of-control you start feeling scared. Your mind tries to analyze the cause of your sore throat until before you know it, you feel anxious, depressed and grief stricken.

To be in control means to have a handle on internal energies that are thoughts, belief systems, feelings, emotions, and in general a conscious awareness about self, others and life. You can never control someone or something outside of yourself but you can discern, determine and shift what is happening inside. The scenario presented above may not be one you’ve experienced but there is no doubt other scenarios have arisen in which your mind and/or feelings have moved as quickly into an uncontrollable situation. There is a way, however, to immediately nip these runaway energies in the bud and drive away the dis-incarnate energies motivating and fueling negative behaviors.

Spiritually you can:  Engage in any form of meditation; Journal your negative thoughts and feelings – leaving them on the page (if you’re not able to write them, record them into your phone); Take 5 minutes to clear past experiences of all kinds, including dis-incarnate energy that influences you. To learn and practice a clearing technique, follow the guided meditation below.

Emotionally you can:  Breathe deeply by inhaling from the tips of your toes up to the top of your head and then exhale slowly; Emotionalize by visualizing what you want in the moment, with the deep feelings that have you believing what you are visualizing is what you are experiencing.

Mentally you can:  Learn how to analyze the deeper meanings of your dreams, allowing you to discern in the moment what the internal energies are to shift or transmute them; Create positive affirmations that are repeated as mantras anytime, anywhere; Switch negative thoughts, words and phrases for their positive opposite ones.

Physically you can:  Engage in physical exercise of your choice; scream at the ocean or in the forest; consistently do yoga; get a massage; see a chiropractor and/or acupuncturist; eat whole, natural, raw foods.

Doing any one or all of these practices consistently, daily will help you build your self-control muscles so that when any occasion arises at any time you will have mastery over internal control measures. This will stop, cold in their tracks, the attachment of dis-incarnate energies. It will keep them from using influences that fuel, feed and perpetuate the negative energies within you. Choosing to regularly, consciously engage in the tools and techniques listed will, over time, guarantee you a much more positive, desirable, and easy way to live, having control over yourself.