Happy New Year 2012Happy New Year 2012!  This is the beginning of a New Year and the year will be a glorious one!  2012 is the year of sharp shooting learning lessons, transmutation, transformation, manifestation and acceleration.  What does all of this mean?  Well, it means that those goals, projects and ideas you’ve been working on through the past year or years will come to full fruition as manifestation.  It means that this year will produce some of your greatest learning lessons.  It means this year you will transmute [change from one energy pattern to another] those aspects that are not at your highest vibration.  It means that this year you will be transformed, through consciousness, to reflect much more of  your authentic self.  It means that this year all of these conditions will be greatly accelerated and so……….this year will be a humdinger reflecting a most beautiful and rewarding experience.              

To begin with, be as clear as possible with what you are “wishing” for.  A better way to put it is, be very aware of what your focus and intention is.  For everything you put your attention on will come to pass.  As the year of manifestation, all that you think about, put your emotional energy into along with the action you take will reveal itself fully in this physical world.  That means if your focus is on what you do not desire it’s what will be manifested in an accelerated fashion.  If your focus is on all that you do desire, allowing yourself to release continuous thoughts, actions, feelings and beliefs which promote the opposite of your desires, then that will be manifested in an accelerated manner too.

This is no longer a time of unconsciousness, of not choosing to wake up to the essence of your intent in all things.  This is the time to be honest with yourself, to put away the “acting” nice, being loving, having compassion and remaining at peace if what you are truly thinking and feeling is piss and vinegar.  It’s O.K. to admit, allow and accept the real feelings and thoughts (no matter how ugly) to be present.  Because when you are willing to do this, then you are willing to go deeper than the surface.  Then you are willing to dig deeper into the actual intent behind what you desire.  Then and only then, will you be able to release those energies without resistance so that what becomes manifested is what your desired intention is.  Otherwise, what you’ll manifest is what you “don’t desire” and you’ll be wondering what went wrong.  Let me give you an example:  If you want to be in a loving partnered relationship for purposes of eliminating loneliness, what you will experience is a lot more loneliness.  But, if on the other hand, you desire to be in a loving partnered relationship to give love, be a companion and to be a gift for a very special person then that is what will manifest……..the best possible partner for you!  This works the same for financial abundance; excellent physical health and even enhanced spiritual experiences.

If you remain open to yourself by hiding nothing  but remain in absolute direct honesty around your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual condition in every present moment, this will be a year where the lessons will be appreciated and full transformation will take place.  Know that regardless of the secrets you attempt to hide or the lies you attempt to tell yourself and others, they will become known and in an accelerated fashion.  That’s how learning lessons will come to the forefront and you will have the opportunity to understand how what was once internal becomes external, in your face, for you to release, correct, and then shift energy patterns (transmute).  When you do make the transformational and transmutational shifts you will move into alignment with consciousness and soul, physical body and emotional body, where the authentic you, the spirit you comes fully alive.

2012 is a wonderful year and by December 21st you will have moved into a consciousness that will continue your desired manifestations through to 2013 and all of the years to come!

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder of Center of Light Miracles  http://ask-lynne.org/lynnesmiracles/