When you were a child did your parents ever say, “You ask too many questions?” or “Stop asking me so many questions?”  I know mine did, especially my mom. It wasn’t because she didn’t like me questioning her…although, maybe sometimes that was the reason.  But, she didn’t always have the satisfactory answers I was looking for. The answers seemed to be trite and superficial.  I was looking for the meaning of life and wanted to know the “core answer” to every question.  So I would ask, “Well, why?” to her original answer and then, “Well, why?” and so on, until I received the answer I knew or felt was correct. The truth is, my mom couldn’t answer any of my actual questions because I was not mature or sophisticated enough to formulate succinct questions I could receive deeper answers to.  So she answered my questions from a perspective she thought my young mind could handle.

The reality is children are inquisitive.  They ask questions because they want to learn.  Their minds want to absorb the meaning of life; or at least the meaning of whatever thing or thought is in front of them. In the grand scheme of the Universe we are like children. Although we grow-up, mature, and become adults with vast life experience we actually no less than 1% of the Universes secrets. Physicists, mathematicians, scientists, numerologists, astrologers, biologists, astronomers, spiritualists, religious leaders as well as other professionals whose focus is to figure out the “Meaning of Life”, have yet to determine one conclusive answer. Each holds a piece of awareness from the knowledge, instinct, feelings, vision and calculations that the Universe chooses to reveal.

Each level of awareness helps expand the consciousness of man on a whole. The definition of consciousness, specifically for purposes of this article is, the collective energy of all beings living on planet Earth now, those who have lived here before and those who are yet to live here. Consciousness is a continuous flow of energy for as long as the planet exists. Based on this reality, consciousness is a never-ending expansion of awareness, resonating at higher and higher vibrations. Every new generation born enters the planet at a consciousness level of their parents then they grow from there.  This is how the human species keeps evolving collectively.

On an individual level however, expanding your own consciousness happens by connecting with continuous levels of awareness reflected from your specific unique way of thinking, feeling and doing. All this happens from one experience after another. The experience of living in your family home. The experience of a strong heart connection with your first love. The experience of being smart, witty, teased because of how you look or do something. The experiences of having a first job, driving a car, being ill, giving birth, buying a home, living alone, and every single thing you have done, felt, thought, said, seen, heard, smelled and touched. 

In every experience, whether you realize it or not, you are asking questions. But often, the awareness of asking questions is consciously absent. I make this statement because questions are a way of navigating through your life experiences, naturally. Even with something as simple as making a purchase at the grocery store. You ask yourself, do I need this?  What size should I get? How many do I need? How would the taste of this add to what I’m preparing? Etcetera.

With every question, an answer exists. In fact, a question cannot be formulated unless it can be answered and the Universe always has an answer. You may not receive some answers right away, maybe because you’re not being ready for them or perhaps because you are blocked by opposing beliefs. Nevertheless, when you receive an answer it is exactly what you need to know and you receive the answer exactly when you need to have it. Again, it happens this way when you are often not conscious of the questions being asked. For the consciously thought out questions you do ask though, know the answers are there ready to be revealed to you as soon as you are open to receive them.

Asking questions, not only everyday situational questions, but other questions as well, opens your soul to the answers it seeks. This is why asking questions is the secret to an expanded consciousness.  Questions such as, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ ‘How should I and What must I do to connect with my purpose?’ are the deeper more introspective questions that help you shape your spirit self. These types of questions can be endless and when answered they lead to other questions, which are also answered that lead to other questions and so on.

As questions are consistently asked and answered you learn more about yourself and how to be the best you that you can be, in every moment. Your consciousness expands and you move into higher levels of awareness. The real secret to growth, to becoming aware, to expanding consciousness is asking questions. You may ask questions in any way, about anything, at any time you have one and the Universe will always answer!