When we see things differently we become aware of what’s around us from a different perspective. We notice what was very familiar yesterday, appearing differently today. All of a sudden things shift in an unexpected way. What we look at, how we look at it, the way it’s understood, felt or believed takes on an entirely different shape, color and complexion. This happens to all of us and it’s as if we wake up to discover things aren’t the same. It is as if against our will, things have changed.  But when you have the willingness to see things differently, you are choosing to see from a different perspective.  Herein lies the basis of true desire to shift mindsets and expand consciousness.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Seeing through rose colored glasses.”  Do you know what it means?  I have no doubt you do but just in case you aren’t sure; it refers to seeing or holding a perspective about all that’s around you from a single perspective.  It could be, you are a person who is conservative and believes ‘Everything Should be Done in Moderation.’  Based on the conservative viewpoint [perception] that phrase would represent “Be limited in what you do.  Too much of anything is not good for you.”  But perhaps you are someone who is an open thinker. This same phrase can be perceived as; “One can experience everything and it’s alright. There’s nothing off limits.”  Each perception is neither right nor wrong, better or worse. They are just different ways of viewing the world from the glasses of a singular belief system.

From those belief systems situations seen, heard, felt, thought about, done, etc. are also experienced through the color glasses worn.  The filter through which, many direct and indirect experiences are understood by that color.

Of course I’m using conservative versus liberal as examples through which people hold perspectives to experience their life.  Some other rose colored glasses include, being…reactionary versus responsive, excitable versus peaceful, joyful versus unhappy, loving versus bitter, perfection versus imperfection, open versus closed-off, and so on…

The truth is there are many colored glasses but each color represents a particular brand of perspective. Each color can be limiting or non-limiting based on differential belief systems or mindsets subconsciously at work. It is challenging to know what overall perspective and what subconscious perspective is at work at any given time.  But there is one barometer that, regardless of the belief system and mindset, can be discerned, then shifted. You know personally, when a thought crosses your mind based on something you see or hear, or a feeling comes over you during a situation, that what you are experiencing is either positive and feels good, or is negative and feels bad. Be aware, all of these perspectives shape your continuous world view and is either working for you or against you.

You are a Powerful Spiritual Being Who DOES Create like the Creator! Regardless of how you unconsciously perceive all things in your life, you set in motion how it will continue to be played on the world stage with you in the starring role, those directly involved with you as cast members, and those indirectly involved as the audience.  Again, there is no right or wrong only what is acted out from your perception. The right and wrong of it is a judgement you and perhaps others place on what is being viewed. At the end of the day, though, wouldn’t you more enjoy experiencing a life that is uplifting and feels good all the time, no matter what the circumstances?

Well, you make the choice. You can choose a different perspective. You can put on a different pair of colored glasses. You can try on glasses where the world doesn’t appear to look so pretty, or you can experiment with a pair of glasses where there is no ugliness. If you are more conservative, put on the colored glasses that is more open with liberal viewpoints.  If you are more open, put on the colored glasses that is more conservative with limiting views.  The key is, until you are willing to see the world from a different perspective you are unable to view the world entirely. Once you do see the entire world from old and new perceptions, you can discern how you choose and continue to flow forward in the world.

I have two friends, both of which make the choice to see and live in the world from a happy perspective.  One is a corporate coach for executives. He teaches them how to see the world with fresh glasses so that no matter what they see their perception evolves from a happier, blessed place from within. The other friend is someone who simply says, “I choose to be happy!  I cannot tolerate unhappiness therefore, I don’t allow it in my life.”  They have both experienced very painful, painful situations throughout their lives.  Not just one trauma but several. They are both easy going, peaceful and very resolved about who they are, how beautiful the world is even when it’s painful, and how they continue to show up in the world.  Both of them are financially successful and are generous with their time and love.

Now this may not be how you choose to flow in the world or show up for yourself and others. You may choose a different pair of glasses but in order to choose wisely [for yourself, no one else] you must first be willing to see the world and yourself differently.  Here are examples and/or fun exercises of what I do daily to really help expand my consciousness so that I may continue creating my living masterpiece!



Every morning when I wake up I do something different. Usually I use the restroom and then do my meditation and prayer.  From there I take the dog out and go for a walk. I feed him when we come back, fix my breakfast, take my supplements and then start the day’s work.  But, to shift my perspective I might take the dog for a walk before meditating. I might lay out his food before walking him. I may even answer a few emails or text messages before taking him out after meditation or what have you.  You noticed I didn’t move the order of the restroom use. Right?  That has to be number one…lol!!

Anyway, you get the point.  But then I shift my perspective further by walking the dog along a different route. As I walk I’ll notice the way one tree is growing versus another.  I pay attention to the thoughts that come up as I do this. I will notice how the sky is clear, overcast or has lots of clouds. I pay attention to the way the sun is shining in those various conditions and how I feel about the way it appears, the lighting, the shadows it casts over the houses and so forth. In other words, every aspect of the different routes also offer different perspectives of the same homes, landscape, weather, and people along the way. I notice how my feelings and perceptions of what I’m experiencing is different and in what ways specifically.

When I work I often shift how I do that. I sit down at the computer and stand up interchangeably. I might have a talk show on television playing in the background or be in total silence.  I will listen to motivational, consciousness expanding, self-help gurus on You Tube or Face Book while writing emails or articles. I will lie down, stand up, stand on top of a table or chair, sit in the corner, or hang my head off the couch in my office, all while doing healing mentoring sessions.

I will pay attention to certain colors in my home or the environment outside and ask, why am I drawn to that color?  What does that color say to me? How do I feel about it? Why is it important right now?

I sometimes meditate in the pool, on the lawn chair, in the bed or on the floor.  In the sun, right underneath the air conditioner, or under the outside patio umbrella. I will recline my seat in the car to meditate in a semi-lying position or from the back seat, either seated or lying down.

Because I have the willingness to perceive the world differently in each of these scenarios I embrace consciousness expansion. I open my perception of self and what’s around me as a way to discover something unique and wonderful in all things and all ways.