To transcend consciousness is actually transcending levels of what you know as self. True consciousness transcends perception, ideas, behavior, believes, images, feelings, thoughts, understanding, emotions and all that you are aware of as being you. The mind is convinced all of these aspects, expressed as your personality, are you. But of course, that isn’t true. You are much more than the totality of these attributes no matter what they are or regardless of your being consciously or unconsciously aware of your divine self.

The willingness to transcend beyond your current consciousness means having the willingness to experience life differently.  It begins by choosing to experience positive thoughts, neutral belief systems as to not disturb positive thinking; choosing to bring specific thoughts or memories that trigger positive/surreal feelings; and to connect with your inner values such as having integrity or being honest with yourself. Transcending beyond your current consciousness also means having the willingness to move away from negativity.  To let go of a negative thought immediately. To purge [not stuff] a negative feeling as soon as it rumbles to the surface of your experiencing it.

The question is; how does one transcend negative thoughts and feelings allowing the positive, more desired ones to be present?  Well, there are many ways to transcend. This includes meditation where your mind is able to expand further than the limitations of everyday experiences. You may focus on the beauty of planet Earth and life as a whole, like seeing bright lovely colorful flowers cascading across a field as far as the eyes can see. Engaging in physical activity where increasing your heart rate also increases dopamine levels in the brain helping you experience euphoric happiness. Or, you can take various forms of psychotropic substances to move what you think and feel out of the way into more vast ways of seeing, feeling, experiencing.

Each of these methods shifts the mind by a small degree, away from the trappings of singular thoughts of limitation, from the “I can’t” to the “This isn’t enough.”  These negative beliefs do nothing more than hold you captive to their will or I should say, to the willingness level you decide to go. But the decision to transcend these types of limitations is where you release self-centeredness and the negativity that binds you to lower consciousness. The sensation of elevation, becoming one with the vast universe where separation does not exist, is the settling goal to attain. The awareness of your physical body, personal thoughts, feelings, and differences in all forms melt away becoming part of the whole, the Divine whole of all there is. This is Nirvana!

So, how can you expand your way of thinking and doing to willfully experience more positive ways of being; transcending the negative that doesn’t feel good?  It’s simple!  Make the decision, use discipline, then make the subtle shift.

Let’s begin with the truth, you are conditioned toward negativity. Many situations are filled with negative references. “If you do this…then something bad will happen.” “If you don’t check that you leave yourself unprotected…and something bad will happen.” “If you don’t watch out for that…something bad will happen.” “If you say this or don’t say that, show up here or go over there, take a risk or play it safe…something bad will happen.”  All around you negative thoughts, statements, examples and more, reinforces fear against the ability to live happily.  Because there are so many ‘bad things’ that will happen to you! Growing up in your home, being at school, reading newspapers and magazines, watching T.V. – the emphasis seems to be steeped in limitations smothering any hope of the reality that life is good.

You don’t want that! You don’t want to stay afraid. You don’t want to keep living in limitations that keep you small, in a box where you are unable to yield your highest powerful potential self.

Now that we’ve established how you live life is filled with negativity, eighty percent of the time, the first thing to do is Make a Decision to Have Positive Experiences!  Making a decision means keeping the commitment you made to yourself.  From this moment forward, you will do, think, speak, feel in more positive/uplifted ways.

You will maintain discipline. That means staying steadfast, even designing the best way for you to identify negative thoughts, feelings and behavior so that you may transcend them. You can do this by listening to what you say. Become aware of how you are feeling and the sensations in your body. Are they heavy, uncomfortable feelings? Pay attention to what you are doing. Knowing there is a consequential effect to your action right now, is that effect something you are excited to receive or dread?

When using discipline, stay strong, even when it feels like a struggle to move past negativity. Dig your heels in! Be aware of what’s happening in the moment and have the willingness to do something different. elevating yourself beyond the muck and mire of lower vibrational fear based negativity. To make the discerning decision and use powerful discipline toward positivity, you transcend your current consciousness, continuously shifting what you do by shifting what you think and feel.

Shifting slightly from a negative to a positive mind-set can happen through any of the various ways mentioned before.  However, the most permanent way to shift, therefore transcending consciousness, is by the repetitive actions you take on a daily basis. Meditation, physical exercise, journal writing, positive mantra’s spoken or thought daily, and conscious deep breathing several times a day consistently inch-by-inch expands positivity. For a while, there is the action of moving forward, falling back, pulling up and sliding down but consistency is the key to moving into more joyful, peaceful, loving life experiences; until one day and then the next and then the next you’ll discover you have shifted permanently.  Once you reach that level, be willing to go to the next by making the decision, using discipline and then consistently moving the bar to the next level. That way the willingness to transcend your consciousness will never end and you shall be in the experience of Enlightenment!