Time, in reality, is and always has been an illusion. We may not have been aware of it because of how it’s valued in this three dimensional world. Nevertheless, through-out the existence of man, science and scientist have proven time is a continuous fluid concept that we measure based on the movement of our solar planetary system. But time is also used to define limitations or enhancements based on how long, how fast, or how slow any given task or manifestation is accomplished. The measurement of time is simply our way to determine, as spiritual beings, the degree to which we learn valuable lessons that carry us forward in the evolution of self-exploration into actualization.

When considering the expansion of consciousness, it’s noticeable that time is in-determinant. Simply close your eyes, breathe deeply, go into meditation and allow yourself to just “Be” in the moment. With each breath you take follow the rhythm of every inhale and exhale. Release interfering images, feelings, sensations, and thoughts that come up with the ebb and flow of the peaceful breath. As you go deeper into the meditation there is no sense of how long the exercise has been. You can guess 1 minute, 2 minutes, 30 minutes?  And once coming out of it, the realization is that based on time, it was only 5 minutes or possibly 5 hours.

Conscious awareness is focused within an exact specific present moment. Without increments of external activity – an alarm going off, a clock ticking away with fifteen minute chiming bells, or a neighbor’s car starting which happens at the same time everyday there is nothing to measure time against. Consider what happens when in a deep sleep. There is no awareness of dreaming. There is no awareness of the five senses either. Upon waking, confusion of where you are, what day it is, what time it is and so forth is the disorientation of a time centered focused dimension. The lack of an internal time measurement when shifting quickly into an external realm, shifts your awareness and whatever the concept of time is. So then what’s real? The realm where time is not present? Or, the physical realm where it is?

Based on the examples above it is impossible to say there is such a thing as time, in reality. Let me clarify what reality is. Reality is that which is consistent regardless of how it transforms, moves, flows, quivers or vibrates. It is not perspective based on who or how it is judged. Reality, simply put, functions in multiple ways, experiences, levels of consciousness and expression. It is not the shape, form, or style which determines what’s real, it is the essence of Spirit’s light at the core which IS real.

Therefore, when the hour of the day or the day of the week becomes subjective [7 AM in California on Wednesday while 2 AM in Sydney, Australia on Thursday] which one is correct?  Which one is real?  The answer is neither. From whichever vantage point on the planet one is standing, the perspective is different. Perspective is based on beliefs, the repetition of mentally programmed conditions, feelings associated with emotionally rooted experiences, etc. For each of us perspective is an amalgamation of all we experience expressed from a single view. Remember, reality is constant. It is the essence, which at its core, is always and forever the same.

As spiritual beings living throughout an eternal infinite process of growth, expansion, ascension and rebirth, there is no way to distinguish how long it takes to move through one’s personal process toward joining as one with the Divine. For each of us the process is a matter of having arrived at a pinnacle moment in our present, now experience or in the presence of Divine Source. You are there when you are there. No such thing as arriving at expanded awareness of self at half-past six or a quarter to eight. There is no am or pm. All that exists in that moment is your complete existence in that moment.

And, when you are in the moment of total awareness, it is also the moment in which you stand in the full Beingness of your power! It is in that exact moment when transformational growth happens. It is in that exact moment when you place the call for all that you desire to come to you, and it does! In that exact moment there is no internal or external clock ticking away waiting for the right hour for manifested form to show up. In reality, where time is non-existent, there is only you!

Do not allow yourself to be caught in the constraints of time. It will take “time” to do this. It’s only a matter of “time” before that happens. Over “time” you will understand, feel it, have it. The concepts of time are only perceptions, maybe sometimes, even excuses as to why you’re not expressing your full power to manifest in the here and now. And time can be used as a distraction from what is, now. For sure, time is an agreement we all share that herds us from one place to another, one activity to the other, one behavior pattern to another and so on. Time holds individuals captive, to behave as everyone else. The belief in it dulls the soul’s light brilliance, which can keep you and others in a state of mass mediocrity.

Once the truth of ‘Time is an Illusion’ is realized, the mind is set free. With freedom comes absolute reality along with your ability to thrive beyond the norm into the full awareness of real self as divine.