past-present-presdientsPassing the Torch is what a current president does when turning over the country to the next incoming president. And, it will be no different when President Obama hands the reigns over to President-Elect Trump. Since the U.S. presidential election in November of 2016, I have been deluged with emails and phone calls expressing the fear people have around Donald Trump being president.  It’s been a bottomless pit of questions about what’s going to happen now that “HE” will be our new president.  However, in contrast, I’ve read and heard through media sources as well as being in conversation with others, how elated they are Trump was elected to office.

Well either way, regardless of the perspective about what his presidency will be like, on an energy level Trump was destined to hold the position he will soon be sworn into. Let me explain…


Every form of energy – emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually is in balance.  Think of it as the yin and yang of things; the heads and tails of the same coin.  It is not about opposites but about a full spectrum or range of every single energy form, as it expresses itself.  It’s no different when considering the leadership of this country and the perspective from which the United States chooses to express herself at the time.

Regardless of how the perspectives shift, there is always growth.  Forward movement toward a harmonious connection within self (that of the people of this country) and with the world continues, no matter what. In the grand scheme of Divine Design all energy shifts and changes moving toward its inevitable ascension. The United States is no exception.  From the very beginning her presence has stood for hope and the promise of something better.  That something better means the highest expression of self that it could possibly be; therefore always reaching for perfection worthy of the Creator and those that collectively live within it. This is the nature of our country’s energy.

There are several varying perspectives on how the U.S. should arrive at the promise of something better. It may appear one perspective is better than another based on what’s happening at the time; not only in the country but in the entire world. In reality, just as your personal life is filled with decisions from perspectives that seem the most prudent to make at the time, so too does the United States operate from perspectives that appear to suffer and triumph her.  But, again, don’t be fooled into thinking the valley for now is always how it will be or the peak is the way it shall carry on for the duration.  Stand back and pay attention to how, through it all, the country and planet is evolving toward a higher purpose, supporting the best for all.


The United States has been in a pattern for decades of changing, shifting and morphing from one perspective to another. The dichotomy of perspectives from Republican to Democrat has spanned throughout most of her life. For one to two terms the Republicans are in office and a very conservative view point which supports a minority of the people is couched in rhetoric that what the wealthy few do helps and is good for the many.  Then Democrats are in office and they are gung-ho to improve things for the masses of people living here, giving everyone a true opportunity to thrive, couched in the perspective that the few in financial power will be better off giving more to those that aren’t.  In reality, both perspectives have policy ideas which, if implemented as intended, would serve every person equally allowing all to thrive.

President Obama was the first African-American man to be elected. He represented hope for change, something the country was longing for after G.W. Bush’s eight years in office. Well, after two terms with President Obama the country is still ready for change and just as a black man was elected representing change then, now a business man is elected in hopes things will be change in a different way. 

Looking at it from a world view, the introduction of Trump on the global scene will cause an effect that brings certain energies to power while dwarfing others.  Where the U.S. gained respect and reverence from the world from those countries in agreement with the democratic process and the belief in harmony; it may now alienate powerful allies while adopting other countries which oppose our overall viewpoint about how to achieve global unity.  However, it is simply part of a growth filled period still leading toward ultimate perfection. 


On a whole, there is nothing to applaud or be terrified of once Trump takes office.  This country has checks and balances that will not allow the pendulum of policy implementation to swing so far to the other end of the spectrum, for a long period of time, without moving back.  But…not all the way back. It will swing again to the other end just short of where it was before and so forth until the pendulum rests comfortably in the middle, which is where perfection begins and true ascension starts to rise.

The check and balance system is disguised as the Senate and the House.  The Justice Department plays it’s roll too to ensure the essence upon which this country was founded stays intact.  Think back on the last few years. President Obama had many ideas and wanted to enact policy that he believed would be most effective for the country to thrive. Yet, the other branches of legislature blocked or stopped him in many of his ideas.  President Elect Trump will discover, soon enough, he will need to navigate through this same system. And he has little or no idea of what will actually be approved and what won’t; what can actually be changed and what can’t.


Remember, the U.S. as a collective consciousness, it is always moving and perfecting itself.  This is the Divine Design of Source therefore it can never ever be so bad or horrible or dark that we need be in fear of what is or going to happen. 

It’s important to trust and have faith in Divine Design. Divine Source has your back. Even when it may not seem true because you are filled with what you want, have to have, need to have, and it’s got to be right now, the Creator is always taking care of you.  If you drop your judgment, fear, worry, belief in lack and limitation what’s left is the magnificence of how the United States is playing a significant purposeful role that is benefiting you and the whole.

Step back a bit…look at the entire perspective of the forest; the grand scheme of things in it’s true glory.  When you keep your eyes on the tree in front of you or the president who is or going to be in office, you miss out on how that tree is part of a glorious whole which you could not have created any more perfectly.


Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles

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