end-of-an-eraThe law of nature dictates everything has, what appears to be, a beginning and an end.  I say appears because we know energy is not born nor does it die. Energy simply transforms, flows, melds from one form into another.  And so it is, on this planet Earth, we see it all around us when the flowers and trees bloom in the spring and lose their illustrious color in winter. We see it when the animals come out during spring season, play in the summer, gather food during the fall then seemingly disappear as they sleep during winter. The energy of life flows from a waking state into a crescendo of vibrancy which wanes and completely settles back into oblivion at the end of it’s cycle.

It is the winter season for half the planet, right now. Although there are holiday festivities and joyous celebrations with the gathering of family and friends, it is also a time of year when all that we’ve worked toward slows down and goes to sleep until the awakening of new resolutions, ideas and goals burst onto the scene.

The year of 2016 has been especially overwhelming with swells of highs and lows, indicating the beginning and end of energetic cycles. In the United States primary campaigns for the presidency took place where more than a dozen candidates paraded their stuff until only one remained for each party to fight it out to the bitter end. The global economy shifted from complete downward turned forecasts to increased financial stability; at least until the new president of the United States is sworn in. Then we may see the beginning of another cycle. 

We are in a spiritual cycle which began in the 1980’s where increased awareness of one’s true authentic self continues to escalate; breaking through the barriers of external powers that are out of our personal control. At the end of this cycle, yet to be determined for it will take over a century to complete, the promise of real enlightenment will transcend the religious dogma which is only a stepping stone toward an ultimate life experience of heaven.

In every one of these cases energy is transformed, flowing from one stage to another.  It does not matter if it is physical material, globally influenced or personally driven, the end of an era is the completion of the natural life cycle for each given energy form. This includes the cycle of human life.

One of the things I’ve noticed is that during the winter cycle of the planet, many people are depressed or they seem to be more tired, ready to let go of what they had been fighting for throughout the year. Perhaps it’s because there is less light during this time of year. Perhaps it’s because the natural changes of growth and transformation becomes too daunting a task to maneuver through. Perhaps it’s because at the end of one’s cycle of living the winter seems like the best time to let go. Regardless of the reason(s), sliding into the hidden shadows of life or even making a more permanent transition from this world into the one crossed over, there is an on slot of souls that determine, “No more…not this way!”

It is sad for us, who have not completed whatever cycle we are in, to say good-bye to how things were.  To how that person was and to how we could be together in the future. Although it is simply a transformation of energy flow, there is a sense of loss. We mourn and grieve what is no more or what will never be, rather than celebrate the change of a life form…the completion of a natural energy cycle while being in gratitude for the love and experiences shared.

Energy is always changing, it never stays still. Look at matter under a microscope and you’ll see atoms and molecules wiggling, squirming, agitated like a dog with fleas.  Tap into your feelings right now, pay attention to them. Wait for a few minutes then tap into your current feelings; notice the difference. Tune into your thoughts at this present moment, pluck a few words scrolling through your head. Now, what are your thoughts just seconds later? Be aware they have changed drastically even within that short period of time. Nothing remains the same. The cycle of energy is moving, growing, shifting, and morphing into a different energy pattern whether it is for a second or a millennium.

This can be comforting to know when having to say good-bye to a loved one; for we can become aware that the person is not gone from us but simply changed.  That the exchange we’ve always had is still there, but in a different way.  What is the end of an era is actually completing the natural cycle of life towards beginning a new journey that is as exciting, exhilarating and deeply satisfying as the connection experienced before.

As winter grows near, are you at the end of an era?  Is it an era of lack?  Perhaps an era of fear?  Maybe you’re at the end of an era of some sort of relationship. Remember, it is only the completion of the natural cycle of life.  It is how things flow and once you accept the changed energetic form, whether welcomed or not, you will be in the awareness of how the natural cycle of life is flowing for you.

With that, I want to say…Good-Bye Uncle Martin and all those who have left the planet at this time.  We will not miss you as we say Hello!, to your real essence; a presence that loves us and will guide us in a new cycle of life. 

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles


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